I am currently studying in university in Singapore. As a student, I would get some course projects from time to time.
There is one moment just today that I was required to think of a creative solution.
I could not think of any solution. That was when I realized that my creativity has been dulled.
I used to think of crazy ideas, acted on them and had fun while doing so. It did not need to be something related to what I am studying. It can be in gaming, which I used to play a lot.
I would try playing in ways that was unexpected. Every time I fail, I would retry with a new strategy.
This is where the fulfillment and achievement comes from, doing something that is different and enjoy the process of working towards a goal.
Now, because of some "future high-paying job", I ended up chasing grades that are almost impossible to achieve. I am now afraid to make mistakes. I followed all instructions as closely as possible, because mistakes are punished with bad grades.
I do put in effort to think from time to time, but that is not to generate creative ideas but to solve questions in tutorial sessions, exams and so on.
As a result, I sacrificed my creativity, the very trait that I can leverage to lead a fulfilling and entrepreneurial life.
This is not just something about me, there is also a TED talk about it. Here is the video.