Ruby Rose: Not lesbian enough for Batwoman role…

in #blog7 years ago

Tl;dr: Some Anti- Social Justice Warriors are mad because they literally just learned that Batwoman exists and is gay:


Some Social Justice Warriors are pissed because they decided the actress to play Batwoman isn’t gay enough:


And the media blames the “toxic fandom” for what happened, even though the fandom does not have any problem with it:


All of them need to sit down and shut the fuck up. Firstly to those Anti- Social Justice Warriors that are mad that she is a gender-swapped version of Batman and lesbian: Batwoman is her own character and made her first appearance in Detective Comics #233 (July 1956). And she has been lesbian since the introduction of Kate Kane in 2006. She is the perfect example of making a different character in the same franchise instead of changing an established one. Secondly to all those Social Justice Warriors that are mad that she is not lesbian or Jewish enough: Using the same insane logic saying that Ruby Rose shouldn’t play Batwoman because she’s not lesbian (pretty sure she is I might be wrong) or Jewish enough, is like saying Chris Hemsworth should not play Thor because he isn’t a direct descendant of a Greek God.


And lastly to all the clowns in the media now writing about how “toxic fans” chased her off Twitter fuck you! A month or so back the very same people bullied Scarlett Johansson out of playing a trans woman in a movie because she isn’t trans. Now the same people have bullied Ruby Rose off Twitter for not being the “right” kind of queer woman. These people have always been bullies and assholes, despite being against things like bullying they will gladly look the other way if they are the ones doing it. They have been so emboldened by people giving into them on social media that they now do it in broad daylight without even hiding it. Talk about stepping on your own dick with steel toe boots, every week there is a new faux-outrage with these social justice lunatics.


Preach. As a comic shop owner, we deal with a ton of different and entitles opinions daily. I just hate how shitty and angry everyone has become.