Why? Why do we hold on to the antiquated practice of changing our clocks ahead for daylight savings time in the US?
Do other countries do this as well? Why? I know there are bigger problems in the world but shit, can we start by getting rid of this ridiculous practice of "saving" an hour of daylight in the summer?
Yes, I have somewhere to be this morning and it seems an hour earlier and I am acting like a baby. That's what daylight savings time does to me, I guess.
Lol I remember when it also happened in Pakistan years ago, but tell you what, that didn't mean anything to me.
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Being born in the summer I am just happy to be back on my schedule. 😂🤣😂
I will fee the same way as you do now, tomorrow...
Happy (future) birthday!
Germany does it too but they just voted and it ends in 2021! Can't wait
Posted using Partiko iOS
Yeah, I used to live in Arizona where the clocks don't change and believe it or not life went on just fine! :)
Fuck clocks too! Amish don't use daylight savings time. Lol
Agreed! And calendars can fuck right off too!
Dude have a beer and relax .....
Happy hour starts early today! 🎉🤣😂 🍺 🍻
This is not me but it's about where I'm at right now! Thanks @silverd510
I don't know how I missed this post!? I'm with you man! I am completely against, "Daylight Savings Time". Every single purported benefit can be met with a negative effect of it. Let's just leave the clocks alone and let them do their job!
You probably missed it because of the goddamn time change!!!!! BAHAAAHHAHAHAHAHAH.
I used to hate it too when I lived on the east coast, but here on the prairie we never change our clocks- it's awesome😁
Posted using Partiko Android
Doing it right @edthecanadian. I bet they have a anti-toolbox-riding law out east too! 😂
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You go girl!