Why Russian failed to conquer Ukraine within the first week.

in #blog3 years ago (edited)


Ukraine smart play

Many people thought the powerful Russia gonna end the war quickly.But Russian military is a tiger made of paper. It is capable of effectively defending itself and posing a threat, as well as limited intervention, but the Russian armed forces lack the capability that everyone assumes they possess. The Russian military has serious flaws, all of which have been exposed during this conflict.


Logistics breakdown

Russia boasts a world-class rail system. Given Russia's huge distances, a complex and advanced train network is essential to keep everything running smoothly.
To supply its armed troops, the Russian military has made full use of this rail network. To be honest, as long as they have access to their train network, they are really good at keeping armies supplied. However, Russia is unable to use railroads in Ukraine.The first action taken by Ukrainian forces was to destroy all Russian rail networks into Ukraine. It now has to rely on trucks to supply its men, which is much more challenging. As a result, supplies are transported to border supply depots primarily by train, but also by air. The supplies are then placed onto trucks and driven up to the frontlines to replenish combat forces in a convoy. However, Russia simply does not have enough trucks.



That may appear to be a simple statement, but it is correct. Russia can quickly deploy men and supplies to the Ukrainian border, but it has a difficult time getting those supplies to the front lines. We've already witnessed this fact in the first week of the battle. Hundreds of modern (and expensive) Russian tanks and APCs were left on the side of the road due to a lack of fuel. lone Russian soldiers scavenging for supplies in the countryside Due to a lack of supplies, the entire Russian Corps has been rendered ineffective in warfare. Russia's troops are plundering Ukraine for basic essentials such as food. Russian soldiers who are starving have surrendered to Ukrainians. Due to a lack of supplies, the big Russian convoy had to stop several times.As results, Russian units are only well-equipped to operate on their own for 3–5 days.periods.

  • All images source taken from Google.