You Were Made To Do Great Things

in #blog7 years ago


It’s 6:00 pm and you’re sitting at your table after a long day.  Maybe you work an unfulfilling job, maybe you didn’t get much done and things went south fast; maybe it's worse.  Much worse.  

We’ve all been there, maybe you’re there right now in this moment.  

When life isn’t anywhere close to what we expected discouragement starts to set in and we wonder why even bother.  We look at the people who have achieved much in life and assume we’ll never reach that point.  Better leave it to the experts, right?

I’m writing this morning to tell you those are LIES.

My dear reader, I don’t know what you believe, I don’t know where your heart is at as I type but I do know this: our heavenly Father is bigger, and He’s got a plan.  You’re his child.  You’re His beloved whether you believe it or not because that’s just how big He is.  

He is greater than your mistakes.

He is greater than your pain.

He is greater than all the hurting in the world.

You are made for great things because of who made you.  You may not feel it, you may not even know it but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s true.  You are marvelous, you are authentically made, you are invaluable.  No one can do what you’re made to do, every moment of your life is a moment only can live, a job only you can fulfill.    

You’re priceless, my friend.  Don’t be afraid to live like it.  
Once we truly believe this, we can change the world.


Love mountains. Love the values found in 1 Corinthians 13 concerning Agape. Thanks for sharing. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. You can call me Joey.

So same my dude, thanks so much for taking the time to read it Joey!

So true, no matter who we are or what we've done. His love for is us unending. <3 this

Thanks friend ❤️