Many years have passed since the abolition of slavery inEngland and Puerto Rico. Although there are still countrieswhere you can first grab, and then sell at a high price. Andyou thought, we live in the realm of marvelous elves, where iseverywhere the smell of grass and fragrant unicorn feces? Forexample, in Africa there is a country - Mauritania, whereArabs keep the houses of slaves, and this is considered quitenormal for them. Knowingly Mom and Kornei Chukovsky werefrightened as a child by Africa.
However, slavery exists in all countries of the world, even inour country. Although this is not true and intrigues of theState Department. Become a slave can be completely random, because free labor on hard labor is necessary for everyone, but people have nowhere to take. That is why in the modernworld, more than 27 million people live on slaves.
However, besides slavery in the usual sense of the word, slavery is not so objective, it is more voluntary, and thereforemore insidious. Mankind voluntarily puts a leash on the neckand goes to massage the heels to its "masters". It looks a littledifferent and does not mean a whip and Oscar nomination forthe best film (well, did you understand, "12 years of slavery," yes?).
Banalshchina, lousy trivialities, but from the realization ofthis essence does not change. Money is the basic value ofhumanity. If you have money, then you have the opportunityto use other values. However philosophers try to instill in us afalse axiom, that, they say, happiness is not in money, lifeproves different every day. You can scream as much as youlike about "paper happiness" and "paper dream", but thesescreamers most often, bared their teeth, beat for a penny, because otherwise it is impossible. The rich can prolong hislife at the expense of expensive drugs, buy, though not real, but still love.
Let it be false values, but what's the difference to him? Moneyis forced to do stupid things and perform feats. Money isstimulated, money is made to do dirty tricks. Even Superman, if he was in real life, would eventually start saving the earthfor money. Batman - no, he already has a lot of them. Avicious circle, constructed by human chain, from which youcan not escape. Everyone wants money, everyone needsmoney, without them. And that makes us their slaves.
That's what a thought came into my head. It is necessary tointroduce a law allowing to give zvizdyuley to every muse, who sits in the general company, buried in the phone. All ofthem have such, do not they? Such a good, loving, revitalizingbait bream, so that snot on the display poured. Maybe thenthey will stop living in smartphones? On average, boys andgirls between the ages of 18 and 24 years immersed in thephone every 5 minutes. There, of course, it's interesting, andit's more fun than going in public transport, immersed inuniversal longing and contemplation of gray city landscapes, and everything would be nothing if "smartphoneization" didnot kill communication and fun.
When you tell something to a person immersed in asmartphone, it feels like you are telling your thoughts on thecamera live. Discomfortable feeling. But while to get out ofthe smartphone at the right time does not work. Here eitherall at once, or nothing. Now everything is through asmartphone, even contemplation of nature and going to aconcert.
You look not at the stage, but on the screen of thesmartphone, you do not communicate, and you correspond, you do not think, but surf the feed-tape. I would look forsomething useful, for example, how to seduce a girl.
The most important slave-owner of man is not reptilians fromthe planet Nibiru and not even Masons. These are illusions, imaginations, a lie that is recreated in the head. And theworse things are, the more convincing the illusions that youbegin to believe in grief. Here you can relate everything: fromthe beloved fighters with the regime of the illusion offreedom to the illusion of truth, happiness and success. Inillusions, you used to mate with Satan himself and was bornsmoking shmal, but in life you can not even crack a cat, andnobody loved you except the sweaty furry palm. You convinceyourself that it is normal, that many live so that you will behappy, but this belief is false. It also happens when you thinkthat living with a gastritis in 20 years, smeared withmortgages and loans, like silks, is normal. That to kill yourhealth and life on unloved work is good, morally andcorrectly. Well, good luck in the illusory world, alas, it's notthe "Matrix", nothing will be restarted.
We are all in captivity to our desires, to wet needs. Theserequirements are imposed by society, but nevertheless we areless and less likely to overpower them. In many ways thedesire for a luscious, full of gold, rahat-lukuma and the littleAsian masseuses that massage your prostate day and night, push us to another dependence - money.
The present generation devotes less to life to the family, theupbringing of children, self-improvement, spending it ongames, entertainment and unrestrained betrayal of pleasure.
Pleasures drive us, they are like a drug. Life, of course, hasbecome better and more fun, but when you see what peopleare capable of for a carefree life full of luxury and benefits, itbecomes scary.
People ended and the races died out. All around are self-seekers and buggers. The pederast is a literary word, so donot rush to throw groundless accusations of stinginess oflanguage in our direction. In the meantime, you see peopleputting the same pictures with their beloved ones. The mostoffensive is that being in the "polonium of this demon", youare capable of colossal stupidity. The number of daffodils isdramatically growing, but this is manifested not only in insaneand thoughtless spending on clothing and gold chains, but alsoin selfishness and exaltation of oneself over the otherindividuals. The imposition of their opinions and their rules, by the way, also refers to this terrible vice.
Banal slavery rules and norms. We are not hippies and we willnot call you to express yourself in full, breaking the law andirritating people. Not on your nelly. The main problem of self-expressing oneself is that they do not know the norms. But onthe other hand, to get married before 25, take loans, getcarried away by wheelbarrows, watch football, fuckeverything that moves - all these are the same rules thatprevent happy living of other fellow citizens.
The people are being led to a speech by a television or onlinespeaker. He will believe that in the world there really is amysterious Ebola. He will go to church, even if he painted onthe walls the satanic crosses, if he is told every day that thereis a God. He will write anti-government manifestos, or, on thecontrary, go to rallies in support of the government, barelyhearing or reading any opinion. So people are arranged. Theyunquestioningly believe in authority and the media, withouttrying to think logically.
And why? From lack of knowledge and intelligence. But ifsomeone on the Internet writes that this is normal, he willbelieve and with a calm heart will live on. Their life does notteach them, that one can only believe in personal experience.
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