Birthday Resolutions!

in #blog8 years ago

Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog.

Today is my birthday, and since I don't really celebrate New Year, I like to do two things on my birthday:

  1. Buy my mother flowers!
  2. Make 3 birthday resolutions! (I don't make one wish, I make resolutions)


I already sent my mother some flowers, like every year as a thank you for giving me the gift of life. And since I now have an account on Steemit, I decided to make my resolution list here. I usually really stick to my resolutions, because I make them realistic. Not something like being a millionaire or a supermodel, or own a boat (now I'm just making stuff up)...

This year I want:

  1. More independence - I have been making money since I was 14, and since economy in my country is in pretty bad shape, it's been harder to make money. But I decided that global economy has nothing to do with me, and I am going to make it this year, better then ever before.

  2. Spend some quality time with loved ones - I sometimes, out of sheer respect, spend time with some people I don't even like. This year I decided that saying No is ok, and that time will be dedicated to people I really love and cherish.

  3. Learn German language - I've learned it before, I can understand basic conversation, but I want to perfect it! I think knowing another language is always a plus!

What can you add? What would you do if it was up to you?

Be sure to leave me a comment, I love reading them!

With love,


Well Happy Birthday to you!!! I have to say I really like the idea of resolutions on your birthday instead of wishes, why dream when you can motivate yourself to achieve so much more. love the concept. I to am not much for new years and I may have to take up your practice of resolutions on my b-day. and what great ones you have chosen.

Thank you @roverone, your comment means a lot! I love wishes, but they tend to stay unrealized more then decisions. So go on, make your list, you have my support!

Happy happy birthday, @tamacvet!! You will do great!

Thank you dear @hethur240!! I'm optimistic!

Congratulations @tamacvet! Today is mine Steemit birthday. I became a member on August 30th 2016 :)

That is so cool! You are lucky :) Thank you @lighteye

Happy birthday !

Good post :) follow

Happy Birthday @tamacvet-- hope you have a beautiful day! It is also my birthday today... I wish for you that your three wishes become true!

Oh, well happy birthday then! Make a wish! @denmarkguy

Hello! Welcome to Steemit. I've sent you a follow and an upvote! Please follow me back and best of luck to you!

Happy birthday, wish you all best! :)

Happy Birthday!!! HHmmm 3 resolutions...
For me they would be

  1. Quit smoking!!! NOW!!!
  2. Quit worrying!!! Whatever is going to happen, is still going to happen even if you're worried about it!
  3. Pursue what makes you happy, life is too short to do anything else.

Thank you!
Well now you have to make them true it's on the internet!

Happy birthday Tamara hope you had a great day 😊

Thank you @kev7000, I really did!