The Steemit Tragedy Of The Commons - Why I Think We Need to Give More Careful Thought To Content Curation

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

The tragedy of the commons is an economic theory of a situation within a shared-resource system where individual users acting independently according to their own self-interest behave contrary to the common good of all users by depleting or spoiling that resource through their collective action. [source]

I was very proud of a recent piece of mine the other day about a geometrical fact I had taught for years.

So much so, I decided to tweet it out into the world. I don't often share my Steemit pieces with my circles of friends because I am ironically more shy with them than I am with folks on here.

Predictably, my tweet fell into the abyss of nothingness, with very few engagements. In other words, just the usual.

But, weirdly, out of the blue, I received a reply from a good friend of mine. A very simple reply that gave me pause for thought:

"lol wat?"

Which is just awesome, because I'm getting a lot of this in the recent weeks of writing pieces for Steemit.

My Friends Just Don't Get This Place

This is not to say I don't. But, almost everyone I try to get onboard with this place either scoffs at the idea, or breaks off into the "ponzi scheme" discussion. Yep, that one. The same you have all probably had with someone in your life about cryptocurrency.

I wonder why they would have this impression 🤔.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

We are all so excited about this technology, I think it is scaring away new people to this site.

had a great piece about this just last week. When consuming content here, we are in a massive echo chamber and start to accept arguments and behavior we see daily as common.One of my favorite follows, @daut44,

For instance, I don't flinch any more when I see the "OMG, I Haz All The Followerz" posts. It is just a sign of exuberance I've taken as normal. Or the "I've made all the moneyz, so canz you" posts. Because those people, like the ones I've screencapped, have worked their tails off to be where they are at, and probably deserve to brag.

However, I'm on here maybe 4 hours a day and I get the culture here.

Granted, Reddit, our closest competitor, is probably not much better.

However, their front page isn't littered with advertisements for booking.yeah or how to become a cryptothousandaire.

If we are to scale, and I mean, $10/steem scale that I see all the dreamy posts about, I think a lot of us need to take a really hard look at our own short term economic incentives versus what will be most beneficial for us all in the long term.

In other words, I am done voting for authors, in principal, because I know they generate high dollar posts.

I've been experimenting with Steemvoter this past week to see how well that whole process works. It actually does, but more mildly than what I've thought. I've actually gotten more enjoyment, and ironically more value, by setting voting rules for my favorite authors I was already reading but sometimes had no time to upvote during the day. The same authors that produce the content I've loved no matter their dollar value.

Is that crazy? Or should I continue to willingly vote for post I have no interest in whatsoever for my own economic curation interests? I would love to hear your thoughts!


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This raises some very good insights. I say vote for what you really like.
That creates value for all of us. I enjoyed reading your post as I can tell you're an in-depth thinker.
I stopped using a bot altogether because I just felt that it was not the right thing to do any more. I rely most on my ability to create, not curate.....but I am also looking to become more engaged on other people's posts.....I have a tendency to just be too selfish sometimes with my own blog, replies, etc.

Thabks for the great feedback! I'm still trying to give bots a try, at least for now, as I never really have before and I think I actually can optimize their use for the benefit of myself and others. Especially now that post HF a 100% vote of mine is worth so much more.

Problem is, it is frustrating when you are new at it, set your voting rules wrong, and wake up one day with 25% voting power. And, I must also admit, it has forced me into a habit of interacting less with posts on comments. All of the genuine engagement on a post is part of what makes this place so great. I've found a lot of great authors that way.

I love the new feelings of being agitated by high-earning posts....the Jerry Banfield ones, and also the prepared for even more intense clickbait coming soon to a Steemit theater near you.

it is so simple. You should post whatever you like 15-20 times a day :D

Good luck!

I recommend Streemian over Steemvoter, because Steemvoter uses your key to upvote themselves to trending frequently.

I'm also trying to convince people to curate manually or at least follow a manual curator on Streemian.

I stopped looking at trending, because it triggers me every time.
You are absolutely right about the same material ending up in trending every time. I wonder, what their voters expect to happen; In the end they will have a big share of a worthless asset, if this continues.

I haven't minded, in principle, the use of my upvote to promote steem voter. I'm havent paid yet for my curation experiment and I think it is the least I can do to show some appreciation.

That being said, I need to give steemian a look as well. Not sure what is the best solution for me, but I generally favor simplicity.

You bring up a very good point on trails, I'm following a few and have a few new favorites (e.g. @math-trail) that line up perfectly with my own interests. Very cool idea!

trails ? If they are run by steemtrail, I'm totally against them.

That's a lot of food for thought, and I can only speak for myself with this one... I have a lot of content that I would have gladly posted (poetry, fiction, self help) but I'm not doing so because I don't get people who read. I see no point in getting my unique content out onto the blockchain permanently if no one reads, let alone upvote. I'm not in this for the money as the primary reason but it is a reason because I need financial compensation to support the business model of creating art.

I understand that I would need a lot of STEEM power to be able to get my work in front of an audience and I don't have the means to do so right now. So I think that people in a similar position as I will come to find no place on this platform. So I am now just reading on for the sake of enjoyment and keeping up with the cryptocurrency world.

This is like a Nash equilibrium problem eg all the current talk about self-voting.
the rules of the game need to change to change behaviour.
Even then, you still need to pick a strategy you enjoy - rather than one that a bot might "enjoy".

And, it all comes back to Nash somehow. Seriously though, awesome comparison...I think you are totally right. And, maybe it is just my "old rules" of social engagement don't fit well within new social/cryptomedia standards. I've also given a lot of thought to that. But, as you say, enjoying yourself is probably the only winning strategy for longevity, at least for now.

Thanks! Unless you programmed a bot to be your idealised crypto-citizen - then you could both have fun! ;-)

If we all did that, we could all have fun! But there's always that sub-optimal self-interested strategy tempting us away from the pack....

This one thing i noticed on the platform as well, only a few profiles are coming to the top trending page everyday. and we see similar posts from the same accounts, we need diversity, which can attract outsiders as well and the platform will grow with a rapid pace @team-leibniz

I believe I get were you are coming from, you know what you like and want to stick to that. That seems normal to me, I have my interests and I gravitate to them. I think every individual in this place, if they are serious about doing the work, will find there place. I am new and may not know what I'm talking about, but I certainly can see myself doing the same. There might be a few surprises down the line, and I will just stay open to them. Thank you!

I really appreciate authentic posts like this that shed light on important considerations. I look forward to seeing more of your content in the future! I just followed you, and I hope you'll do the same so we can connect and continue to evolve and learn from each other! Remember, be yourself, because nobody does it better -- Full #Steem ahead :)

Much ❤Follow me @tayken

If you would watch Trevon's Coin Count video, you'd notice he talks about several sources of revenue for his cryptocurrency earnings. He is investing heavily in order to produce those kinds of earnings. He is humble and transparent and shows people how to do what he is doing. I think they are solid posts.

I am not trying to poke at the quality of these posts, nor the hard work of the author involved. I am rather making the point that this type of exuberance about amazing profits, and the large curation support, might be off putting to those coming into Steemit anew.

You are right 👍🏻

Great article, I use my upvotes and resteems like likes and shares on FB, I ran outta juice yesterday, didn't know you could run your voting power right into the ground. =)
Steemit Signature Pic.jpg

Very good post :) I hope you make more :)

These thoughts deserve attention)

I looked at Steemvoter's site, and their FAQ is very sparse.

What is the algorithm used for voting? Is algorithmic voting preferred over real people curating?

I'm just a bit skeptical and since I'm new, I don't really understand why automating this is the way to go. Perhaps someone can enlighten me.

Its a good question, and you really do have to figure out a lot on your own. Generally, the benefit to automating curation is to optimize the curation rewards you get in voting the authors you planned on voting anyways. Since it is generally more to your benefit to upvote early (within the first 30 minutes or so), you can set custom rules to allow a bot to do your voting for you. This is basically a step by step guide by @cryptomancer, one of the owners of the service.

is it best to vote for the people making interesting posts or are you saying it is best to vote for rewards? if so how would you know which gives the best rewards? i am trying to earn my way here by writing content-- i followed and upvoted as i am interested in your views