Unplanned Photos...

in #blog8 years ago

Hey, I'm here! Yes, right here, dumbass!

A few days ago my wife and I with pleasure reviewed film "The Mist". At some point, I got the impression that someone is watching me... we live on the ninth floor. I could not understand but then raised the blinds (jalousie)...


I do not even know... did this guy want to gobble me up or did he just like this wonderful movie?


Very heat ~ 40 degrees Celsius, heavy traffic on the road of a bustling and dusty city... the windows in the car are wide open but it does not help. Because of traffic, the speed is low, about 50 km/h... Suddenly an unexpected passenger appears in our car!


The butterfly flew to us through the open window and hid in the shade under the steering wheel without any extra delays. We live in a "green area" - near the forest and a lot of flowers. Apparently, this mademoiselle knew all this, for as soon as we reached the house, she also unexpectedly fluttered out the window and flew into the forest. She takes French leave, without saying goodbye...

Our world is an amazing thing, friends! There is always a place for some magic, unexpected pleasant moments! I wish you happiness and joy!

Sincerely, Terry Craft.


oops... what's that?

Lets try to get you up to $1 for your comment!!!!!

I see you... Haha :)

i'm a bug - xbuzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Maybe he was watching the movie! lol Thanks for sharing :)

I spy! :)

I spy wth my little eye, a logo of a crypto currency that might be aboutto die,
ethereum is "tanking" but thats really just a lie

ethereum will be $400 before the end of July

OOOhh I spy with my little eye

some crypto curencies that we should I should realy Buy

an I think that if we dont buy them we al just might die

cuz paper fiat money that shit dont no longer fly

OOOOohh I spy wth my little eye,

a cutey little blockchain ccalled steemit and shes fly
i wanna just give her all my money till i die

steemit is the best thing to ever happen inmy life

oooh I,I love steemit an thats right, steemit loves me back and I will keep up this free style

and I wanna let ya know that steemit is the best alright, lets give it up for steemit like every single night

yes unplanned , well it's clear

Thanks for sharing your happiness and joy with us, it makes us feel good :-)

Hello! I just upvoted you! I help new Steemit members! Upvote this comment and follow me! i will upvote your future posts! To any other visitor, upvote this post also to receive free UpVotes from me! Happy SteemIt!

Cool. Thanks. Upvoted. Resteemed.

The mist was an alien invasion kind of movie. I liked that tentacles kind of things in there. Kind of boring though in the first half. The pictures you captured are just awesome especially the first one. It's a grasshopper I guess. Looking very neat and clean. Great to read your thoughts by the way. Wish you all the luck @terrycraft

Awesome ;) If u like landscapes check out my photos from polish village ;) Take care ;) Upvoted of course ;)

Our world is indeed amazing!!! I love the color of the butterfly.

wow amazing pic
that so good
i like you pic
@terrycraft from me @putrakhan

Haha humor at its best my friend :) To be honest, even i felt scared of bugs for few days when i watched the "mist" for the first time :/

Photos so good you are very talented in the field of photography

Thanks for sharing. We should always leave room for wonder.

hahaha what an unexpected and fun-filled post! Just what I needed... its been a loooooong ass week! lol

Would love your thoughts on my latest posts if you have a moment.. :)



After the "Fog" you can be terribly afraid of a beetle outside the window :)

It's amazing when you capture a picture of spontaneous like the ones you posted thank you so much for sharing you have my upvote @mannyfig1956

You wrote so funny! I have a slightly different story. Wherever I come cats and dogs come up to me. 😄 Maybe they feel that I love animals.

I conquer the world 😎 humanoids !!!!! muahahahah

You know have enough Followers to make $100 per POST this is SO COOL

dude u are READY to make a REAL liivng off steemiT! start immiedtaly using your profitsto pay other CItizens of Russia, get a Business licene, start a company, hire young intersn to make steemit posts for you, create a factory of young russianblloggers all out inrussia blogging about russia pushing russian content!

You now have enough Followers to make $100 per POST everyday if u want! its a gREAT feeling man! u must be proud!

u have some serious followers with lots of steepower!

thats the bst!! when u realize your followers are the ones who have thousands of steempower! and whose votes ount for more than a dollar or two! thatsthe real secret of steemit is convncing people to really just invest in it! it all going to pay out! ts ALL going to make people alot of money! none will end upp loosing any money if they just hol steempower and dont sell it! it will go up to $10 per steem and we will all be traveling around the world experiencing the most beautiful things and swimming in nice htels, living in up traveling the world, we will all get to have our own companies that cange the world, we will all be making so much passive income it will be so amazing

I think that the green insect is just trying to make friends with you. You must have sixth sense to feel that someone rather something is watching you.

Very interesting article! Keep up the good work, friend! I will definitely follow you, you can also check my profile and if you like my articles feel free to follow me too! :)

I Agree with You @tyregethon

I stopped to pull the newspaper out of the box the other day and a wren flew right in. She happily exited without delay. Better than a snake any day!

This is a really funny story and I really like your thoughts after seeing these little bugs.

I would've scared the hell out of me.

That's so wonderful, nature knocking at your window and resting on your steering wheel the whole drive, can't get much better than that! I love the picture with the insect on the window on the ninth floor! So cool 😎 have a great Monday sweet friend🌷

Such col shots and story isn't nature Trull amazing how it got in the car window at that speed is amazing

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