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RE: Ever run out of ideas to write about?

in #blog7 years ago

The easiest way to be motivated is to get any text you really liked in the past (book, article, vlog) and read it again. If you still like it (because chances are you might not anymore, since you absorbed all it had to offer and now it's just another word salad) then take your keybord and... rip it off. Make a cheap immitation.

I am not joking. It works every time for me. Obviously, you have to change as much as you can, such as names, locations, even the prose. Do the editing a couple of times and before you know it, you have you own text with its own style and spin on the same topic.


Yes when I'm reading, I'm looking for keywords that'll jump out at me. I take another double look... and ask myself how does that apply to me and my project?! How can I use it? That's how I get WOW-moments.