The Mandela effect, some people remember the world differently than you.
When I was a kid I played "Risky Business" I would take my grandfathers uniform a white button up shirt and his sun glasses, using my socks I would slide all over the kitchen floor. Maybe you remember the movie as I do? What is for sure, if you watch Tom Cruise in his famous undies scene now he is in a pink shirt with no sunglasses at all. Interestingly enough if you google "Risky business Halloween costume" everyone's wearing white shirts and yes, sunglasses. This is what some people call "residue", memories, pictures or "proof" of these other remembrances.
This is literally one small example of which I will eventually share more. The Mandela effect is named after the thousands of isolated incidents of people "remembering" Nelson Mandela dying in prison. That term is applied to the many other differences people experience with examples you can find online and eventually in this thread.
If you're interested in this topic I would preface with some research on the concept of parallel realities and the more elementary concepts of quantum physics. Cognitive dissonance is the most common symptom of this effect. I really do warn people to have relaxed mind and thought construct and understand the ways this could be logically possible instead of going into the state of " I don't know what anything is anymore" There are support groups online and on Facebook, one of them having over 27 thousand people from all over the world. No matter what you believe, understanding the Mandela Effect whatever it's cause, is fascinating but for those it really effects it can be extremely risky business.
never heard the Risky business example. crazy!
The Mandela effect is very real, ever since Cern built their "super collider" (Mandela machine) the world has become a weird place. It does make me wonder, was everything fine before the use of that machine, and did someone use it to alter the past. ?: v v spooky shit! Also, their logo is blatantly paying homage to Satan as its literally three six's layered on each other.
I remember reading about the beginning stages of CERN's "super collider" almost 8 years ago, and thinking "this sounds like a terrible idea" and thought it could possibly rip open time and space itself.... But I guess that's what they're trying to do.
Interesting. I've never heard of this term, but I have certainly seen it happen. "Welcome to earf" comes to mind.
LOL. After googling it, I remember this was the article I read it in.
Yes, it's not just movie quotes like "Luke, I am your father" never existing. Surprisingly the majority of people effected seem to be Christians claiming the bible changed. No more lion laying down with the lamb, it's now a wolf with the lamb (which makes more sense). But to this I can attest. I was raised religiously and was something called a "bible quizzer" it was a competitive game based on memorizing the bible and their different versions, we would compete with other Nazarene churches. One thing I knew for sure is that on Noah's ark animals came 2 by 2 and that's it, nothing else expressing anything different in the chapter. Now it reads: "2 Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, 3 and also seven pairs of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth." Will share more in the future.