Millennials and the Tale of Anti-Capitalism

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

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“Now, to balance the scale, I'd like to talk about some things that bring us together, things that point out our similarities instead of our differences.

'Cause that's all you ever hear about in this country. It's our differences.

That's all the media and the politicians are ever talking about--the things that separate us, things that make us different from one another.

That's the way the ruling class operates in any society. They try to divide the rest of the people. They keep the lower and the middle classes fighting with each other so that they, can run off with all the fucking money!” ― George Carlin.

The comedic quote above, though it may sound all too familiar, it actually dates back to the year 1992.

The funny part is that twenty five years ago means nothing when it comes to how long this divide and conquer game has been going on.

This may very well be the oldest trick on the book. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was dated before books were even invented.

You know, carved in stone between dinosaurs and minotaurs.

Don’t Play the Bad Game

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The concept of this game is very simple, you get people to fight between one another (despite the fact that both parties may share the same ultimate goal) and while everyone is busy pointing fingers at each other, you rob them blind and slip away.

A prime example of that is the 2008 recession. Which many refer to as the biggest robbery in human history, where the banks were doing the robbing.

When the state took taxpayers’ money to bail the big banks, there was very little doubt that economic system on place was no other than Fascism, the merger of state and corporate power.

However, instead of pointing at the problems and aiming to solve them, many people (especially the political talking heads) started immediately blaming the other camp for the economic troubles.

On the left they blamed Capitalism, and on the right the blame was assigned to Socialism.

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Now, I don’t need to spoil this for you because you know what happens next: They ran with all the freakin’ money while everyone was busy pointing fingers.

Meanwhile fascism kept growing and the merger between state and corporate power started to reach questionable extremes.

All of the sudden, you would see private prisons paying lobbyists to get the government to come up with all sorts of new excuses to put people behind bars.

Or in slick political terms, to bring new clientele to the largest real estate developpement the world has ever seen, the prison industrial complex. Where 86% of the “guests” are jailed for victimless crimes.

Keep the Capitalists and the Socialists Fighting While Fascism Screws Them All

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Pictures like the one above became wildly popular after the crisis, and for good reason. It is truly mind-blowing.

Now, both sides agreed that this was a very serious issue, yet none of them managed to recognize what caused it. Instead they all kept pointing the finger at each other.

Luckily for everybody, that map right there is becoming more and more irrelevant as the days pass. As young consumers are moving away from the mega-brands that previously had market monopoly.

Competition allowed for better and cheaper products to come to the market and many of them are making a name for themselves already.

You see Harry’s or The Dollar’s Club taking on mega household names like Gillette. Coca Cola went from being the most popular drink a few decades ago, to being probably the one of the most inconspicuous brands out there. Often reffered to as a sugar drink.

Even the clothing retail market is receiving a huge blow as more and more people are gravitating towards newer brands that above all, do not run child labor sweatshops in poor countries like Bangladesh.

Now I know, everywhere you look you hear “Millenials are anti-capitalists” or “millenials are predominantly socialists”.

Well, I’m not one for labels - and I'm certainly not a partisan of any kind - but those ‘socialists’ millennials seem to play a pretty good part in this new economy, not only do they vote with their dollars in a more decentralized fashion, but they regularly crowdfund all kinds of new cool projects to get them running from the ground up and have them compete with the big brands that earlier held state monopoly.

So maybe we shouldn’t pay much attention to the hate merchants out there, and perhaps we should think twice before antagonizing the new generation and brush them off as a hippie-lefties that are driving us to a Venezuelan train crash. In the end, everyone wants the same thing.

To build a better world.

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We live in an exciting new world that keeps changing by the minute, if we want this blockchain to grow we need everyone. Fact of the matter, millennials helped tremendously in the fast adoption of Uber, the growth of Amazon and many other trends.

Everything points out that they will play a major role in accelerating the adoption of cryptocurrencies and smart contracts as well.

Everyday when you wake up you have a choice. Either to look forward to all the new exciting developments that aims to change the world for the better.

Or to revolve to falling for the same lame tribal game of Divide and Conquer... For the millionth time and counting.

Personally, I just chose to turn the TV off and forget about labels. Life is too short to spend it pointing fingers.

Image Sources: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5


AWESOME post @the-alien!

Thank you!

This comment has received a 5.00 % upvote from @aksdwi thanks to: @ankitchoudhary.

You got a 6.85% upvote from @allaz courtesy of @ankitchoudhary!

Great article. Put into words what I've been mulling over for awhile. I personally am fairly socialist minded, but I'm an exception among my millennial peers. There's a greater acceptance towards social programs, but my experience is that millennials are a generation of hopeful entrepreneurs and independents. They're building a new capitalism, not destroying it.

I'm particularly interested in where things will be in 10 years with the conservative trend being seen in Gen Z. As they mature and make more of an impact will we harmonize to create a positive balance or become more polarized as we push each other to greater extremes while trying to outpace those that disagree with us.

First of all, thanks for sharing man! I'm with you there, it seems like the polarization is only increasing, I wonder what's gonna happen in the future, or how that trend will look like.

"They're building a new capitalism, not destroying it." It sure seems like it.

Capitalism, in its pure sense, is not the problem. It is cartel, crony capitalism empowered by the state (fascism) that is the problem.

I have a few friends who love to hate on capitalism while sipping on Starbucks and surfing the web on their Apple computer.

Hating merchants for producing products or providing services is childish and illogical. We should be pointing the finger at corporate fascism propped up by a corrupt state government.

Divide and conquer is the oldest and most powerful game, and we need to stop being played by it!

True, Steemit is actually based on capitalism

Exactly! You hit it on the nail. And true, we need to stop being played by it.

@colinhoward Well said. I'm with you all the time to stop the game. Divide and conquer, the corruption is bigger than we think. Best wishes. - @splendorhub

Correct sir. We need to stop electing people higher class than everyone else, rather finding people who value FREE WILL of all within the law.

Interesting take. I agree mostly, and think the main drive of "millenials" (I hate that term) is DECENTRALIZATION, not socialism. They want to buy what they want when they want it from whoever they wish to support. They don't want corporations OR the government to tell them how to live their lives.

I will say that anyone leaning toward socialism needs a history lesson though. It was less than 100 years ago that socialist idealism led to more deaths than just about anything in the history of humanity. That's a fact.

Just a reminder, decentralization is NOT socialism, communism, or anything of the sort.

I was about to say that and when I scrolled down someone already said it. Well said! I am a "millennial​" myself.

Millenials remind me a whole lot of the "Greatest Generation." When WWII broke out the recruitment stations were shocked at how clueless these young men were as it came to book smarts and low quality of education so many of them displayed. But they answered the call during the war, and after the war exploding the economy like the country had never seen over the next decades, especially during the late 40's, 1950's, and 1960's. The millenial entrepreneurial spirit is really intriguing. The thing that I hear very little talked about is millennial exposure to politics throughout their life. They have basically experienced political chaos and gridlock their entire lives, so they are less likely to become married to one of the two major parties, which someday within the next 10-20 years will be the relief the governed may experience. Long story short the future for platforms like this is very bright.

At the same time, I get the impression that millenials are the ones who think what they're told to think and buy what they think they want. I guess I just get the impression that there are very few original thoughts out there today, except those which belong to the people who influence them.

Well said!

I wanna comment but I couldn't have said it any better haha :)

a wonderful post that opens your eyes to oche important things about which you rarely speak. Yes indeed all wars and battles begin with politics ... patriotism is primarily intended to divide people into nations, to love their own and not to love strangers. the same is true of religion, remember only how many murders and wars have occurred and are now on a religious basis ...
I have a desire that people be more united and respect each other and to other nations. our common home is the land and we are all her children)
thanks for the interesting post

Absolutely, it's just artificial division to make people hate each other and focus on what's going on.

Thanks for the nice comment man!

Pointing fingers is unpolite.
We should use the mouse POINTER to improve our comunity.
Let's take our hand from the back and do something.

Haha! That's a great one!

Lets start today:)

Great post. Unplug your tv and circulate among real people. The more we get to know one another the better we like each other.

Absolutely! Getting to know each other seems more and more like a lost art, but I'm sure it'll get back in fashion sometime :)

How dare you @the-alien come here to Steemit, a platform full of law abiding citizens, to preech your Communist Propaganda.

Even worse is the fact that you say Fascism is a bad thing. Preposterous! The people need uber guidance! Uber as in mega-big corporate sized uber.

And nothing to do with Uber drivers, those are called weird names, wear sandals and once I found a potato chip inside a cup-holder I kid you not!

Anyways, I think I see your type, you sleep with a lifesize plushie of Lenin and pray to Staline before heading to your daily Yoga practice after you pig out on non-gluten pastry items.

Finally if you didn't see I was kidding already, I left you an upvote.

Have fun!

I agree with what you said, and I wager most of us here do so to.


Haha thanks so much for this fantastic comment, definitely one of the best I've had so far since I joined.

Haha thanks for the laughs!

Cheers Max.

Heck for $0.28? You call me anytime buddy!



Stalin :) not Staline ))

Damn autocorrect? :p

Staline was his stage name, during the day he would preach and oppress people.. But at night he puts on some heels, some lipstick and dances in cabarets ;)

Ah, I see the little bug of humor bit you too :9

Haha apparently so. :P

Yeah! He makes some sense but I need to know where he is coming from. You dont get carried away these days by the nice tongues. They may be heading to "the other side" Just pondering.

Haha, the potato in the Uber made me laugh.

grow some hope preserve it, feed it with hard work innovation and focus . and shut the noise inside your head and out there as well. in times like these being laser focused on one's objective and trying to bring some genuine value even is both a challenge and a must. thank you so very much for the wonderful article

Thank you very much for the wonderful comment! And you're right, do your best work and shut the other voices :)

great article bro something very different this time

Yeah I know man. I'll go back to regular style soon :)

the concept sometime blows my mind away hahah fight between other while having fun along lol

Haha yeah! I much rather having fun as well :)

:D steem on have a great time around :D

life is too short time to play it in your style isn't it :)

Yeah, I think so as well :)

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Many times the people who do the talking, and indeed the policy formulation are politicians with little or no particular knowledge, except the requirement to make more, and to control more. Meanwhile multinational companies buy there way into the good books of such politicians and/or legislators to pass laws and enact policy consistent to their exploitative fiscal tendencies... in exchange, often for financial backing

Exactly, very few people make informed decisions, and mainly that's because they are so hooked emotionally by politics. And that's why they pass the laws they pass.

Thanks for the awesome comment.

@the-alien Capitalism is an economic system while Socialism and Fascism are political views. There can be socialists or fascists who still approve of capitalism as an economic system.

Yeah you may be right. Many communist countries even purposely leave the door for black markets, to have the free market provide some gains for the population.

Great post! I just wrote a post earlier today about how a local camping/outdoorsy store in my area is closing next month after 71 years. They just have too much competition from online distributors. It breaks my heart and makes me worry about the future, but your post reminds me that there are still a lot of us trying to make the world better. The "millennials" may not be able to save all of the places and ideas we believe in, but we sure can try!

One of the best posts I have read lately!! Keep it up!

Thank you very much! :)

This post is SPOT ON! So well thought out! Very nice. I've been saying it for awhile......... everyone thinks millennials are lazy, but, they I think they are smart! They just don't want to do it the way their parents did. They don't want to work for 40 hours a week for 40 years in the same job that in the end, may simply lay them off anyways. There is no loyalty there anymore in the work place.

My mom spent $1000's on college, became a school teacher. When we moved back, from Germany (I was a military brat), she couldn't get a job as a teacher again because she had her tenure. It was cheaper to hire someone fresh out of college.

That is why my husband and I now proudly call ourselves #grannials (We are grand parents that act like millennials). Plus, that hashtag drives my daughter crazy so, we drop it where ever we can!! :)

Excellent post Great and powerful posting thanku

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!

Great post @the-alien! 100% upped and Resteemed!

Thank you very much! :)

Yeah,good article.
Definetely agree to the author,though the things are genuinely obvious:)
But the problem is that people are still too self-centered to realize that the "divide and conquer" motto works with them even after thousands of years of active usage,unfortunately.
So,do you have any proposals or maybe even any more or less ready-to-go ideas?:)

nice job man.
i love the name @the-alien hahaha

Haha thanks!

nice post. rt :d

Thank you :)

Truer words have never been said. Sometimes I'd just rather go back to the dark ages. No 'scisms there 😆

Thanks so much for the nice words! I don't know if I can cut it in the dark ages though :P

Lol... You can't do without the hot tubs and shampoo; 😂😄

Hmmm 1dafu post
They always want to make us hate each other
Trying to increase entropy amongst us to reduce our efficiency.
The more united we are the more progressive we'll be

i will always support you man!!!

Haha thanks!

Only one thing important in my book; is it agreed willing, without any form of coercion, by all affected.
The rest is up to the situation..
One should be able to adapt ones political learnings to each separate transactions as long as core principles are maintained. Eg; my ideal is an abundant gift society yet I'll fairly barter/trade when necessary. I will use crypto, as much as possible.
Our core principles could be more clearly identified, and realistically assessed as to what degree we are able to stick by them..

Yeah if there was only one lone core principle as in do everything voluntarily and never use force or deceit, we would be far ahead already.

Excellent post =)

Thank you!

Any millennial that is anti capitalism needs to be 1. Have their Iphone taken away. 2. have their computer and tablet taken away. 3. Have their Nike Shoes taken of their feet. 4. Have their deodorant and all shower supplies taken. 5. Sent to Venezuela.

Stop taking women's study and philosophy, Major in Computer Science, Engineering, Math but they can't cause that would require work.

@the-alien taking serious moves today hehe

haha I know. Don't worry comedy post coming soon :)

quite a complex topic you choosed today i better be quite :)

Haha I know. We all have those days I guess. Maybe a new comedy post next would be best :)

wonderful article quite awesome to read :)

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!

"millennials seem to play a pretty good part in this new economy, not only do they vote with their dollars in a more decentralized fashion, but they regularly crowdfund all kinds of new cool projects to get them running"

This is a good point. Millennials definitely spread their money out rather than feeding it to the same corporate giants over and over.

its changing and it will change. regards to block chain every body see it in some negative prospective. well then all negative shouts here you go

Nice post @the-alien. I agree on the part that we keep speaking of our differences instead of our similarities :) We should realise that we can help each other to build a better world but also with an understanding of openness to learn and grow. Ultimately i think steemit is a good platform to start with and In a way it is also a look forward that aims to create a better world :)
Hope you are doing well!

Hey you posted something :D

Thanks for the article. Millenials remind me a whole lot of the "Greatest Generation." When WWII broke out the recruitment stations were shocked at how clueless these young men were as it came to book smarts and low quality of education so many of them displayed. But they answered the call during the war, and after the war exploding the economy like the country had never seen over the next decades, especially during the late 40's, 1950's, and 1960's. The millenial entrepreneurial spirit is really intriguing. The thing that I hear very little talked about is millennial exposure to politics throughout their life. They have basically experienced political chaos and gridlock their entire lives, so they are less likely to become married to one of the two major parties, which someday within the next 10-20 years will be the relief the governed may experience. Long story short the future for platforms like this is very bright.

Yes life is too short. Using our fingers to point our mistakes rather than pointing others will solve the problems.

nice article focus, hard work and innnovation...