Do you know this feeling while listening to a song, goosebumps all over your body and you could just cry/laugh/scream or whatever you feel? Music is my passion and every cell in my body loves it. Some months ago I was really upset because of a friend, who really disappointed me and on the day I found out that he blocked me and lots of other friends of him on social media networks I listened to very very melancholic music the whole day. I felt relieved because I could express my feelings through this music and it helped me a lot to listen and to sing along.
It's the same the other way around. I drive a lot by car, because my musical group and my work office aren't in the same city where I live. Everytime I'm really tired or bored I put on a CD and sing as loud as I can. Time flies by then and I don't care about techniques or wrong notes in contrast while singing on stage. I never really played an instrument (I can hardly play the guitar) but that never kept me from enjoying the world of music.
My other passion are dogs. Since I was a little child I always wanted to have a dog, but my parents didn't like the idea. Meanwhile I'm a proud daddy of a two years old sausage dog and I couldn't be more happy. There are a lot of things in my life I felt excited about and after some days, weeks or months the enthusiasm was lost and before I actually found my beautiful dachshund I thought it might also happen with a dog. But now, everytime I look at her, I'm so happy to have her by my side and she's the most beautiful dog I ever looked at. She's my everything. Whenever I buy her food in the pet store I'm looking for some gifts I can buy to make her happy. She sleeps in my bed, we cuddle together and I even don't care about her slippery tongue on my hand.
I think passions are very important in human life. They are what makes us kind of unique, but also part of a group at the same time. They help us feeling better and they give us a reason to be alive, a reason to love life.
So what's your passion steemit?