For those of you that follow Canadian politics, there was an interesting development that took place on Monday morning.
Seems the entire Liberal body took a walk rather than cast lots against a recent nomination for Conservative member Rachel Harder to chair the Status Of Women Committee. Before we continue...what the actual fuck? Really?! The Status Of Women Committee? Are they fucking kidding? They need a fucking committee now? Do we not already have far too much bloat and far too many fucking committees that we have to have this one too?
(takes a deep breath)
Such an act is quite unheard of, and of course that has the media all abuzz and the Cons seething at this humiliation.
Similar in ways to the #TakeAKnee campaign that we have mostly all heard of by now, the Liberal members all elected to abandon the room rather than cast their lots. A non violent, near silent protest of the proposition.
So why is this news?
Simple, really. Harder is well known as a pro-lifer/anti-abortionist. To position her in such an important role; that of chair of the Status Of Women Committee, would be akin to letting the fox guard your hens. Nothing could possible go wrong there, right?
To be in such a prominent role, the chair needs to be pro-choice. It's that simple. This ensures that the best needs of ALL women are considered, and not just those lobbying for pro-life. This actually kinda reminds us of that recent Women's March that excluded women from participating because they were pro-life...so the exact opposite end of the spectrum. Funny, that.
Seriously though, if the committee is supposed to be vigilant to the best needs of all women, then the right to make a choice is the right side of history for that. Plopping a pro-lifer in that chair would all but effectively remove any voice the pro-choice camp would have, and these women can't afford to live with heir right to choose stripped from their hands. To be succinct, it would be a dubious and questionable positioning to say the least.
The part we found the most amusing (and the whole reason we wanted to opine on it) was in how they were barking about the Liberals, and their act of protest as "thwarting democracy".
Guess that the Conservatives all failed Remedial Social Studies then? The class that teaches us kiddies about such things as the political theatre? It seems that way, since they fail to remember that democracy is about one thing and one thing only.
Not subjugation.
Not appointment.
Not a coup.
Just good old fashioned choice.
Which stuck us funny considering their choice for a chair is the person that would see choice stripped.
That's a lot like the pot calling the kettle black, is it not? To try and position a chair who is anti-choice, while barking that you opponents are anti-choice? Yeah...pot, meet kettle.
Since the Libs took a walk, the activity of the committee is on hold indefinitely until a less polarized chair can be put forth. Hardly surprising, and welcome news to say the least. We believe in the right to choose (within a certain framed context but that's a rant for another time), and so we believe that putting forth the fox to run your henhouse would be bad business for everyone involved.
Canadian women just dodged a very big bullet.
Though the henhouse is now left unattended...
Free your 8
~ SC
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