I’ve had stuff in my greenhouse all winter, started my Tomatoes in Jan when it was well below freezing outside.
Mind you I do have it heated but my greenhouse has glass in it not an old tarp thrown over the top.
Trog called his greenhouse a project, I call it a fucking abortion.
All Old Trog will say is it will do for now!
I call it, "I was too late starting and will finish it in the spring when it thaws out."
Troy, all you do is 'Too little, too late.' A heated greenhouse - as mentioned by thedarkdestroyer above would help. Why don't you heat it? You do have a greenhouse dont you?
What about all that stuff you do on the TR Lacks Testicles Channel? Where's all this prepardness and prepper mentality?
Troy has Testicle its just they never developed!
aka "ill do it later"