tricks that you will love!!!! XD

in #blog7 years ago

Most friendships occur so naturally that sometimes we do not know how they started, however, sometimes we want to make that little effort to form a new friendship, or to strengthen the friendships we already have.

For your good luck, there are several psychological tricks that you can use to please others more, and not only that, they can even work to conquer that boy or girl you like.

Of course there are other important factors to make someone fall in love, but if you follow these tips at least you will be closer to achieving it.

The first psychological trick is:

  1. Ask for small favors: Maybe it sounds a little weird, because you think you should be the one who does good things for others, but the reality is that when we ask a favor from someone, the other person perceives that we like and that we trust in her, this trick has as its name Benjamin Franklin since he applied it with his adversaries as a strategy, this behavior is caused by the cognitive dissonance that occurs in our brain. It works in the following way: When we do a favor to someone that we do not like very much, an internal conflict is created because our actions do not agree with our thoughts, so what the mind does is look for a justification of why we are doing it . Cognitive dissonance is a subject deeply studied and highly recommended for the success of interpersonal relationships. So you already know!!! If you want to like someone ask a favor XD.
  1. Mention your name: This is a technique that many sellers use because it is a very effective way to make the customer feel special. It is said that our name is the sweetest sound we can hear, this is because it is a fundamental part of our identity. When we hear that someone uses it in a conversation, it validates our existence and inclines us to have more positive feelings towards them. With people you just met is like a test, because if you mention their name the second time you see them you will be showing that you care enough to remember, make them feel that they have a very personal connection.
  1. The technique of the mirror: Basically consists of copying the movements, gestures or postures of the other person, in fact it is a behavior that we perform subconsciously with people with whom we already have a strong connection, it is part of our social nature, two people who attract or have confidence end up being in tune, they adopt these mime behaviors without realizing it, however you can use this technique deliberately, just do not make the mistake of exaggerating and copying exactly, simply imitate small details, if you lean towards the wall lean you too, if you make gestures with your hands try to make them similar but with subtlety, pay attention because after a while you can reverse the roles and the other person can repeat your movements, it means that you are liking them.
  1. Repeat things: When we repeat something that the other person just said we show empathy, we make him feel that we understand what he is telling us, that is why he is also known as reflexive listening, people begin to reveal their emotions more and have a better relationship
  1. Doing compliments to other people: Focus only on positive attributes, that is important because people associate those comments that you make about others with yourself, to this effect it is called spontaneous transfer, if you describe someone as sincere and good person you will be associated with those qualities and if you speak badly of someone behind their backs you will be associated with those negative qualities
  1. Break the barrier of touch: This barrier is the line that many are afraid to cross because they do not know how the other person will react, it is true that we must be careful not to be perceived in the wrong way, but the reality is that it is a very easy line to cross. A light and light contact works very well, you can start with a little touch to your arm or back to get their attention and thus start the conversation, what you achieve with this is that they see you as someone to trust, as the relationship go progressing, you can increase the time you maintain physical contact, either by keeping your hand on your shoulder or back or practicing games with your hands, just pay attention to see if the other person feels comfortable doing so.

All these tricks can be used together, just try to be careful with how often you do them, for example, if you ask for many favors, the only thing you will get is that they see you wrong. The same applies to the rest of the tricks, find the right time to use them and you will be successful in your interpersonal relationships.

Until next time XD!!!