Do you deny me the right to gray out lies and filth spread about me?
What about the pornographic and sexual junk. The child porn garbage. If you are sure that I am a child molester then turn me in. But if not, and I am innocent, then do you not agree that I have the right to gray out such filth on my own blog????
The truth hurts right Troy? Instead of debating and proving the comment false, you delete and grey out cause you know the comments are true and want them hidden. Exposing your lies, frauds and true perversions prevent you from abusing a new victim.
you claim freedom of speech and then deny it to everyone you disagree with.
this is what i claim...
i have never posted any pornographic material of any kind about you or having to do with you.
why do you automatically assume that whatever someone else says or does is from me? do you seriously believe all these accounts of other people are me? do you honestly think i have time to be all these people and do all these things?
how is it you can falsely blame and accuse me of so many things daily but then complain about you being blamed for stuff you are proven to be doing?
You molest your own child....
We are not supposed to protect her from you?