Shut the eff up Troy. You sound like a flipping fool. I have NEVER threatened you OR your family. AND if I ever witnessed something like that I would report them to the authorities for you. If you can't answer allegations against you directly without making up lies of your own, all you are doing is proving the trolls right. Congratulations. You're making their case for them. You are unhinged, irresponsible, and someone who is clearly suffering from fits of paranoia. Grow up and deal with the fact that you're ill suited for homesteading and/or running a business on your own. Time to stop playing make-believe and time to start acting like an adult. Something you have put off for far too long.
Keep it up, Troy. I have NEVER threatened you or your family. If you continue to claim I have, I may just have to sue you for libel. I'm only across the lake from you. Do not push me. It won't take a judge long to see you are a lunatic and I will give you a taste of your own medicine. I repeat: I have NEVER threatened you or your family. And I will protect my good name if I have to do so.
Who is threatening your family troy? Where are these threats found? Why have you not called your sheriff to report these threats? Here is the Oscoda County Sheriff departments phone number and address in case you need it...
This is the office that covers your area of Lewiston:
Where is the racism? I swear, Troy, you are off of your rocker. It appears as though you have finally lost it. My advice to you is to see a mental health specialist as soon as possible. There appears to be something out of whack with you, Troy. I think you have finally lost it. If you don't do it for yourself, please do it for your family.
Where are these comments of racism and threats found troy? I highly suggest you call your local sheriff and file a report if this is true. Here is their number:
Shut the eff up Troy. You sound like a flipping fool. I have NEVER threatened you OR your family. AND if I ever witnessed something like that I would report them to the authorities for you. If you can't answer allegations against you directly without making up lies of your own, all you are doing is proving the trolls right. Congratulations. You're making their case for them. You are unhinged, irresponsible, and someone who is clearly suffering from fits of paranoia. Grow up and deal with the fact that you're ill suited for homesteading and/or running a business on your own. Time to stop playing make-believe and time to start acting like an adult. Something you have put off for far too long.
Stop threatening my family!!!!
Keep it up, Troy. I have NEVER threatened you or your family. If you continue to claim I have, I may just have to sue you for libel. I'm only across the lake from you. Do not push me. It won't take a judge long to see you are a lunatic and I will give you a taste of your own medicine. I repeat: I have NEVER threatened you or your family. And I will protect my good name if I have to do so.
Get off my back!!!
Who is threatening your family troy? Where are these threats found? Why have you not called your sheriff to report these threats? Here is the Oscoda County Sheriff departments phone number and address in case you need it...
This is the office that covers your area of Lewiston:

Stop the racism! Stop threatening my baby! Stop threatening my family!
Where is the racism? I swear, Troy, you are off of your rocker. It appears as though you have finally lost it. My advice to you is to see a mental health specialist as soon as possible. There appears to be something out of whack with you, Troy. I think you have finally lost it. If you don't do it for yourself, please do it for your family.
He says he is a Veteran so perhaps they can help him...
Leave my blog. Leave my family alone!!!
please seek help from the proper authorities troy. here is your sheriff's contact info...
Where are these comments of racism and threats found troy? I highly suggest you call your local sheriff and file a report if this is true. Here is their number:
Stop threatening to go to my childs school. Stop the racism!!!
I didnt know 14 month olds went to school. Do you have other older children?
If someone is threatening your children then you need to contact the local sheriff. Here is their address and phone number...
You say you are a Veteran. Perhaps you can find help here then as well...
Troy, stop embarrassing your family. Get a job and quit trying to live off the charity of others.
Stop embarrassing your family Troy.
Look at your name.
Look at your name.
Stop embarrassing your species Troy