Oh. Interesting. Where did you see any video of me actually hunting? I must have missed that myself. Did someone else record me hunting? Because all I did is show the deer AFTER the hunt.
Now how can you be so sure that I failed to sight in the rifle? I know you watched the video where I used a laser bore sight to zero it in nicely. It was all on video.
Here it is:
I know you watched the video where I explained that my gloved hand would not fit in the trigger and therefore I shot off a bit.
Here is the video:
And again with the lies.
I did tag the deer.
I showed my hunting gear and how I dress for the hunt - lots of hunter orange hat, coat, vest.
Here is the video of that:
"possible shooting a firearm too close to nearby houses"?? Oh, I guess hunting in the middle of 18 acres is too close to a house for you?
I admitted to thinking it was the same deer that was eating my garden the past two years. I did NOT say I shot the deer in the garden as you suggest to the public.
I did show the meat as we processed it.
Here is the video:
Which all proves that you are a liar trying to cause harm to myself, my business and my family
16 acres you fucking idiot. do you think you know more than the realtor did? quit stealing land that doesnt belong to you. its a real good way to get shot.
hey moron. any warden that would have seen you even in your yard not wearing a blaze orange jacket and carrying your 308 is gonna say youre hunting and ticket your ass accordingly. along with poaching that deer,you think the rules dont apply to you but they do. youre either the dumbest motherfucker on youtube besides elvis or you purposely do this shit to get called out so you can cry to mommy,your sycophants and whales on steemit to get sympathy donations and "oh you poor boy" asskissing to salve your psychopathic,narcissistic warped mind.
The photo I attached is of YOU HUNTING,
taken from YOUR video.
I know you’re going to make excuses and accuse it was photo shopped,
but you know it’s YOU.
That’s your rifle barrel sticking up from your shoulder.
Notice you forgot to donn the required Blaze Orange vest or coat!
You remember, that’s the video YOU posted on YT, then removed after 15 minutes, claiming you got a lot of subscribers that un-subbed
(which is a lie because roughly 80 people viewed it by then).
This was just a ploy to lure people to view it on your DIY Tuub site....
aka, Bait and Switch.
Which is exactly what this blog is about....
bait and switch advertising your video site.
P.S., I hope Doc does Not flag your blog.
I want the world to see how you lack ethics and honesty,
personally and in your so-called business ventures.
My video shows me dragging the deer out of the woods. It was a long trip. NOT from my garden in my front yard. So you are lying.
Here is the video:
Oh you have no idea my ghoul , we even know the gals that work at SUNRISE , they even have a pretty good pizza and the bosco sticks are good as well . Next time you stop in say hello for me , oh and it would be great if you would do the same the next time you and melanie shop for groceries at Family Fare Supermarket .
Are you talking about the little 3 second clip of me checking deer tracks in my garden?
I am not hunting. I am checking deer tracks. I had boat shoes on and it was freezing cold that week. Now way I could stay out hunting in the snow and cold with canvas boat shoes.
By the way, I carry a gun around on my own land now that someone is shooting at me.
The local sheriff told me I have every right to be armed on my own land at all times to protect myself and my family.
There is nothing illegal in that.
Oh and another thing. The DNR told me that it IS legal for me to shoot out the window of my own home. It is my own home. Long as I have written permission from any houses within 500 feet of where I am shooting. So even that is legal. Not that I was hunting in my front yard but if I did, it is perfectly legal.
you are so full of shit,they oughtta compost you when you croak. nobody is shooting at you. another lie to create drama,sympathy donations and views. if somebody WAS shooting at you it would be one of your neighbors youve pissed off in less than 2 yrs. by being an asshole. quit lieing and saying its trolls coming to the banks property messing with you.
i will be calling the DNR tomorrow and asking them if it is ok to shoot out my window if i have written permission from my neighbors as you claim. i will record the phone call. then we can put to rest this whole issue of whether you got permission or are lying. because the written laws say you are lying.
Now I suppose ryan will come along and gray out my video because he hates it when I show real evidence on video to back my defense. Like he did the last one.