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RE: Get the passport in Venezuela? an almost impossible process

in #blog6 years ago

That sounds terrible. It seems like maybe some of the additional costs are coming from bribes that you have to pay the officials who help you along the way. Maybe they figure that you're planning on emigrating, so you're desperate and are willing to pay whatever it takes so you can leave.

In the US it's simpler. If you qualify, you can apply by mail. You can send in your passport along with a completed paper application for a new one. (No, even in the 21st century, the US government doesn't allow you to do it online.) You also send in the picture and a check for $110. Yes, it's rather expensive to begin with. Then you wait and normally within 2-5 weeks you get it back in the mail.

You can pay a fee to expedite the process, but from what I understand it's pretty quick right now and you can get it back on the shorter side of the time period.


I thought that the whole process was online and although it is a bit expensive, as you say at least they are sure that they will get the document without paying bribes or waiting for an indefinite time as here, in my country everything is taken to a black market and any procedure of a public institution is like that, inefficient and many are forced to pay a lot of money to be able to solve

I'm sorry it's such a long and expensive process. Hopefully it is good for 10 years like in the USA. Then you only have to do it once per decade.