Don't forget who you are......

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

I woke up at 3 AM this morning to use the bathroom then after trying going back to sleep I find myself thinking about random things. I don't know why but I thought about how messed up this world is and was feeling particular bothered by it. We have big corporations getting bailouts while the small guys get fuck up the ass, the gap between rich and poor is never wider than it is now. Corporations strive for more profits at the workers' expense as a result people have less time to spend with family and friends. We have people who are capable of working a normal job but would rather beg for money than to hold a regular job because the pay is better begging on the streets.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, we have poor people having more kids just to receive more welfare and play the victim. These group of people constantly blame the system for their state of being but will never take responsibility for their own doing. As a result our tax liability becomes higher and higher each year while the welfare recipients increase exponentially.

What's wrong with this picture? Well, we know that the rich didn't get where they are by not using loopholes in our system; this includes tax loopholes. So if the rich aren't paying enough taxes then where is the money that we are going to use to fund these welfare programs? You've guessed it! It's the middle class! This is one of the fundamental reasons why the American middle class is shrinking at a rapid rate and maybe part to do with people renouncing their citizenship.

The problems that we have are too many for me to list here and there's probably not enough 1's and 0's on the computer to list them all.

I have listed some of the fundamental problems we have in our society and what I deduce to is that as human race we have lost our way.

We have lost the idea of who we really are.........

As humans we are spiritual beings, our purpose here on earth isn't about the car you drive or that big house that you own in Malibu. Life isn't about that Rolex you have on your wrist or the hot women you manage to score. Life isn't about how many friends you have on Facebook or Instagram.

Life isn't about $$$$$

It seems to me that the more materialistic the world have become the less happy I am. I often feel detached from people because most people are too busy doing non-human related activities.

Food for thought:
1- We came in this world naked and we will go out naked. (you take nothing with you when you die)
2- If today was your last day on earth what would $ mean to you?
3- If your love one was at his/her death bed would a billion dollars make you happy?

What am I getting at you might ask? The point I am making is as humans many of us have forgotten we are spiritual beings. Many of us define success by their financial accomplishments rather than spiritual. I believe we are here for a higher purpose.
I also believe this is why frequently you hear or see people who seems to have it all but are still unhappy. I believe is because somewhere along their way to achieving their "financial" success they've sold their souls to the devil. These people are spiritually bankrupted!

In conclusion, I believe that if we don't wake up to who we really are humanity is in dire straits! The reason for this should be very clear to you with the reasons I've listed above. We need a massive awakening on both the rich and poor to understand that we all are responsible for one another's Ultimate success (a spiritual one). Bottom line, we cannot continue in our current path because the path we are on will only led to self destruction!

We need to remember who we are and why we are here will lead you to salvation....


Love the way you think. This rings true for me as well. I see so many people that are just driving and going nowhere. I try to live for today as the future appears rather grimm. So wish it wasn't so. Thanks for your post. 🐓🐓

thanks for reading and put up with no editing...that's my style lol

Many folks forget that this is a temporary place and that we will leave all this behind when we die like a vapor quick and gone. Many are selfish and think only of themselves and the moment rather than of others. God grounded people are fewer and fewer on this earth. You cannot take it with you. Things that will count are helping others and showing love to others. The things that money cannot buy. Great article!

thank you, I wish there are more people that understands this....

Thinking about this at thee at night is heavy material nuh!! But you are right about all these things, it is about what you achieve as a person. Do you motive people, do people admire who you are, do people get encouraged on how they are approached by you, do you make people laugh and feel good.

It is so easy to be a good human, just ask your neighbour how he is doing and if he needs help with anything.

They dont put on your grave:
' he worked so hard and was so rich'

I think other than asking someone if they need help...I think it's matter of truly understand why we need to realize the purpose why we are has almost nothing to do with what we occupy ourselves with day in and day out....we have to realize that we are all connected.....