Money, like honey, causes the natural flow of energy between us to become sticky and slow, but the taste seems so sweet, we forget who and how we used to be.
While our true dreams may be remembered upon waking, money is the insomnia that scatters those dreams through the day.
Electrical beings, lighting the world we are, but money acts as a resistor, dimming us from one another.
Energy we are made of, love and sharing is our nature, while money is there to curb the love, and to regulate that sharing.
Forgetful gods, we trade our eternal power for a dollar today, and we bow to clocks that tell everything except time, those mechanical trolls 'neath the bridges that extend from our minds.
We hired ourselves a god is what we did, and we named it the ONE, empowering it so.
A kink in the hose, and we all agree that we'd rather be slaves that live in the sea, and tho it's a sea of bliss and creative force, its waves abundantly coiled around us even now, plenty to share, yet our eye is elsewhere, glued to a distant dollar.
A kink in the hose, to impede the flow between us, the flow that we used to use as currency without constrictions, but now that we're all grown up, money has come between us.
Ah, that old god Moon-Eye with his Moon-Day morning blues and his 5 day work-week. His war-shippers are a poor reflection indeed of mans creative capacity.
I wonder how few Suns have to radiate their heat and light for the Moon-eyes to reflect the light back? One in a million? One in a Billion?
If I were running the show, I'd make an alpha-bet. I'd bet that if I were to make say 7 billion sentient beings with the power to create anything they wished, and I were to put them all to sleep, only 144,000 exactly would wake up and realize their creative capacity.
I'd put alarm clocks everywhere telling the beings what time it was. They could use these as markers along their path of creativity, or as bells to tell them it's time to go to the Job.
I might even program a ritual, a celebration just for them, each and individually. A celebration of their arrival upon the game board. I might even have them bake a cake, put fire on it and tell them to make a wish and blow out the candles. How many will see the light?
I'd hide the true meaning of their existence in signs and symbols everywhere. I'd hide the ingredients to their birthday cake right in plain sight.
I'd bet that ever and only 144,000 will smell what the Rock is cooking and figure out the recipe to the Ma-Sonics Master Batter to their birthday cake.
Those ones who do will be the creators, the others merely reflections like a mirror. The few Suns and the many Moons.
Any takers?
So many weak days in a Month, it's no wonder that so many Suns are so moonstruck.
Mon-eye, old One-eye, probably wants the Sun to think that its eye is single, and that therefore its body is also full of light.
When I saw the spelling, it occurred to me that the 'mother of all sound' might be hidden somewhere in a secretive ma-sonic word, but that word is hidden in the stones, hidden in plain view.
So how do we cut out the middleman, after all money is a medium, a lesser god at best...perhaps it's like a tripwire and there's a way to step over it. Because it's not money that we really want, it's what we've been made to believe that money can do for us. What do we really want? Well that's an individual question, but I wonder, could we just express that want to the universe, say thank you, and know that it is already on its way?
I think you asked the answer at the end; that 'thank you' and the feeling of gratitude that comes with knowing that there need be no middleman. This seems to come up again and again in esoteric stuff, that the emotion or excitement that we feel in association with our goal and purpose is part of our human power to precipitate thought, the thrill of knowing that it's already done, and/or on its way.
Not so much money but the LOVE for money that is the kink in the flow.
That love of money must be part of the formula when money is elevated into a deity, as of if it were something to be worshiped.
Woah... that is good.
it is an interesting point of view. Maybe it does apply to money created by central banks. Decentralized money might be different.
There I go again; putting money on your damn posts. I'm not even trying to be kinky.
Just this once, it'll be ok. It would have been really classy of me to make this a no-rewards post, but I kinda need the dough right now.
Here, we're earning money doing something we all enjoy. It's not hurting anyone, not like this. Feels more like sharing and I don't mind helping.
True, when I discovered that I could be rewarded for having and sharing my kooky ideas for the world with the world, it felt right.
Which way do we get rid of the kink, give it a solid flick or walk over there and carefully unfold it? :D
A careful unfolding seems best of those two choices, but there must be another way!
Could cut the hose but that seems both drastic and unnecessary XD
Sweet melancholy, money is the kink in the hose. I'm open to the idea that we can still be loving and open even entangled like this. Yet it keeps coming back to the Same feeling I guess, of dissatisfaction.
I just finished a four day stint of 'working'. Now I think it's time to drink a coffee and get on with the things I love - like making art and writing on Steemit.
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I know my little poem didn't really have a happy ending, but yes, the entirety of human consciousness might connect that lovingness and openness more easily without the kinks that money causes.