Creating Steem

in #blog7 years ago

Steam comes from fire applied to water.
"Water" is our emotions; "fire" is our spirit.
How can we apply our spirit into our emotions?

The world is full of distractions, things which "rock our boat."
The energies surrounding us are like water, as they come and go in waves.
The emotions of others, the energy fields of our environments, and our inner oceans all move us.

The fire is a light which can only rise; unlike stellar or artificial light which is omni-directional, it goes only up.
Having a strong fire burning inside of you, signifies that, regardless of the waves of the world, you are still rising.
Keeping the fire burning our waters ensures the creation of steam, which leads to self-esteem, which dreams.

So, in practical terms, how can we keep this fire of our spirit burning brightly? Well, all fire needs fuel...
The things which spark our interesting, ignites us in a way that no others can; these are the things best kept around.
People, foods, music, activities, hobbies... all of these things that keep our upward force burning with all its strength.

Anything in our life that extinguishes our flames, must be obliterated from our existence.
Like any of the destroyer gods in the world's cultures, we must maintain an iron fist over our own.
We must be willing to kill. We must be willing to destroy. We must be willing to transform.

Feed the hunger of your spirit; that which brings you closer in connection with your "highest" self.
The natives say that smoke brings our messages up to the creator.
Maybe our steam can one day become rain, don't you think?