Spirituality : What happens after death?

in #blog4 years ago

That seems to be very interesting topic amongst a lot of people who are trying to understand life or rather what happens after this life of ours. A very popular subject that most people are curious about and of course, it is understandably so. For people who are searching for the meaning or purpose of life, what happens after life becomes even more an interesting topic to understand or find out about. While the subject of the purpose of our life is a very simple one, I will not be discussing that here today. We shall discuss this in another post but today we are shortly going to discuss about what happens after your current life.

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As per Sanatana Dharma, your current life is the result of your Karma accrued from your past life and the dealings from the Karma of the current life is also distributed over this life and You will either be taking another birth on this planet or you won't be depending on whether you have become a liberated soul or not in this and realized God. Liberation of your soul, refers to understanding clearly that your soul has only taken the form of a body in this material world and thisbis surely not your place but you belong to be with God and if you have spent your life understanding this and lived a life, in worship of God and devotion to God and with all actions of yours done in service to the Supreme lord and in kindness to others around you, you won't take another birth but instead you will move onto join, meet or be one with the supreme lord as you were meant to be.

Being born again is in other words not an ideal thing, for this material world is only filled with suffering, disease and hardships. You might believe that maybe with a little more of wealth or let's say even with a lot more of wealth you will be happy, it's just an illusion I'll tell you. Trust me when you get to that place of more or even extreme wealth, with all that will also increased worries and stress or newer problems and the bliss that you are meant to feel will never arrive at your heart, maybe momentarily or rather temporarily you will find happiness but it won't be lasting.

Lasting bliss can only be found spiritually. Being a good person, all actions done in kindness and realising God and spending your time in service and devotion to the Supreme Lord can only help you attain Liberation. Another birth given to a soul, is another chance to redeem his actions and serve God.
