
Thank you very much! I saw your blog and realized it was your way of remembering and keeping close your dear companion. I have to admit a tear rolled down my eye... I had a close companion like that once and was reminded of her. Much love to you, I hope you can see Tiffany in your dreams as I see my old Cuki in mine.

Yes, Thank You.
'Thank You' also is my dog name, our lovely son. He was pass away 2 years ago.
We want to use a blockchain to keep our memory daily.
^_^ Tiffany is my wife. I am Michael (here is my main steem id - @honoru)

Much love to both of you and your little angel who I'm sure takes care of you right now :)

I think Blockchain platform for pets, which is a good way to promote blockchain social network concept to Pet Community. Also a good way to lifetime memories of pets.Thank you @fenngen