It sounds like you have a good plan of action! It's interesting all the things a body goes through during it's pregnancy. It makes sense that it would happen after labor. I'm glad you knew better than to try to get medication that would affect baby, that's something a lot of people would never think of. With my first child, I wasn't thinking about anything other than drinking when it came to breastfeeding. I had my teeth worked on several times and took the pain medicines they gave me and continued to bf even though it should have been obvious.... Guess that's something I didn't think to tell the dentist either.
I'm glad you have it figured out and I hope this one goes really well for you!
It's definitely interesting - I saw a diagram recently of where all the internal organs go by the end when the baby is full term and it was a little bit startling. It's amazing everything still works at all!
Well, the good news is that our kids tend to survive and thrive in spite of a lot of things we realize later we probably shouldn't have done. I took ibuprofen a couple of days toward the end of my first pregnancy because I was so sore and found out later that ibuprofen can seriously compromise a newborn's heart from being able to switch over to independent function at birth, so it's absolutely not recommended in third trimester even though it's safe to take after the baby is born. Thankfully, my oldest had no trouble with her heart!
Here's hoping on the plan of action...I've been praying not to do that particular bit of recovery again...but I suppose if it's a problem again I'll know we can get through it. You know, ironically the reason I was taking high doses of calcium (and magnesium) was because I was trying to head off the after pains that get more severe with each baby and I found a lot of advice from older moms suggesting CalMag as a good way to help your muscles not spasm so much. My thought process was that it would be better to take high doses of calcium and magnesium instead of ibuprofen or acetaminophen for the couple days after the baby was born. And then I ended up taking massive doses of ibuprofen for a solid week. Sometimes solutions just don't go as planned...
haha i saw a video similar to that diagram you are talking about, it's crazy how much space that little 7 pound baby will need!! I can feel my organs now after having children, before i had no idea where my bladder was, now i can tell you how big it is at the moment lol
It's a good thing he made us so resistant to the products this world has to offer us. I had no idea about the ibuprofen during the third trimester, glad to know now.
That is ironic that you were trying to be proactive and wound up making it worse... i pray this combo works perfectly for you this go around, but like you said, you can do it!!