in #blog8 years ago


Currently, I get a lot of notifciations reminding me that this time last year I was running around with a camera everyday for 40 days documenting my life. Since, I am busy preparing my last exam this week, I don't find the time to create newer content. However, here is a revised version of my key learnings while vlogging.

The most interesting thing about vlogging is that it looks super silly when you are doing it and that people stare at you. However, I learnt already so many new things that are tremendously valuable for me personally.

On the one had you constantly learn new technologic aspects of it. You get more familiar with your equipment and you learn more tricks while editing. Moreover, you learn to appreciate good entertainment and the craftsmanship of producing movies.


Creating valuable content is difficult. Not only for others to watch but more for yourself. Are you even able to create something that makes you personally happy? Can you filter the most interesting thing about your day and bring it into a piece of content?

My idea when I started was very different. I didn’t want to create something just for the creation itself. Moreover, I am not interested in doing just a few vlogs and than quit (even though the odds of my own behaviour are against me). I was thinking about my grandparents and how sad it was that I do not have any vivid memories of them or pictures of how they looked like. This was my initial motivation: I wanted to create something that my potential grandchildren could watch to grasp an idea of how old I was when I was their age. One year later, I didn't hold up to do it all the time but I enjoyed the process and I learnt that documenting is hard.


Creating content that is genuine enough and that makes you press the share button is a very difficult thing. You will have cutbacks and you will learn that nothing is perfect. Moreover, getting used to your equipment is difficult and you will have a lot of disappointments along the way. However, it is worth it because you create something that you find yourself in. Failures are important to grow!


So, I bought this fancy camera, and a microphone, and another camera. I have a GoPro and some other stuff. However, when I made my first few mistakes and didn’t bring my charger or a second battery, I realised I could still produce the content with my phone. Breaking it down to the most elementary level, I would say that the environment in which you try to operate can never be an excuse for you not producing anything.


I am working full-time. This brings two implications for creating any content. First, you need to schedule your creation time before and after your work because the performance should not suffer. Second, your time-management has to be perfect since you don’t want to loose the necessary resting time. But it is possible. I had to sacrifices the efforts I put into this side though.


You are not in an anarchic environment. My first vlogs have been rather personal but I could only do that because I have people around me who love me and support me in my experiences. I am tremendously grateful for that. But you have to understand that you cannot film everywhere and that even if something would make a perfect scene you have to respect the privacy of another person.

Additionally, there are legal obligations that do not allow you to do anything you want. In Berlin it is impossible to film with a drone. While other international vloggers can do this, we can’t here.


This is the most valuable thing I learnt. While editing your footage you watch yourself living your life. You watch yourself when you laugh and when you seem “cool” but you also watch yourself when you are mean or arrogant. It is daily mirror of who you are and you can constantly compare it to who you want to be. Hence, you have the freedom to improve yourself daily.


I am making all of this because it kept me entertained and it made me happy. I would tremendously appreciate, if you follow my journey and subscribe to this channel. I am open to criticism and I invite you to ask me questions. Please respect it. It’s literally my life.

What do you think about the stuff above? What was it, that you found memorable during the last week? What caught your eyes and ears. I am curious to find out in the comments.


Thanks for the post. I'm thinking of vlogging, but just haven't got around to it yet. Other than the technical aspects you mention, I think no. 6, self-awareness is the key to it all! :)

Hey Adam,
you are right. I also believe this is the most important thing. But filming for example how you talk, you realize... "damn i "ehm" a lot"! or I curse a lot or whatsoever. It really helps to become more aware. You don't need to publish it to have this effect. Just do it for yourself for a week. Let me know how it turns out for you