Tokens of the week #2: Baseball, Netflix, and ICO-Ether-Decline-Correlation

in #blog8 years ago

Hey everybody,

During the week, we consume massive amounts of content. However, often we see something that is cool and than we either forget about it or it is already replaced by the next cool thing.

For me this cool stuff is not necessarily just a cool video. It is something that either can bring some value to you and me, makes you think or wonder about something or just inspires you to do something new. It would be amazing, if you pause for a second and contemplate what was interesting for you last week and share it in the comments below. So, are you ready? Let's jump in then.

An article I enjoyed: The average is not a good performance indicator.

Which of these two proportions is higher: 4 out of 10, or 300 out of 1000? This sounds like a silly question. Currently, I am sitting at my desk a lot to prepare my finals. And those are exactly the kind of questions, I need to answer. It is so nice to actually read something that is entertaining and that is very illustrative. The article by David Robinson explains empirical bayes estimates with baseball. Super cool article.
The giphy is showing me tomorrow in the exam :D

Another One: Are ICO’s the reason for the decline in Ether’s value?

This article by @calaber24p was one of my highlights. I liked the article because I like correlations and the idea that the increase in almost daily ICO announcements could have the effect of decreasing the ether value was super interesting. I wanted to do some data analysis for this but I need a list with all the ICOs announced. If anyone knows, where I could get this list. I would be more than happy if you say hi.

I don’t want this series to be super tech or data oriented but since this is my data science exam prep week, I will dedicate another Token of the week to it:

Educational Video I liked: How does Netflix Recommender work?

It is a simple concept and everyone experienced it already. You are browsing through your Netflix and you get suggestions about which series you should start binge watching next.
How does it work? Well, one of the answers could be Singular Value Decomposition. It is a not-so-simple concept that helps to put so many different variables about users and movies on a simple two-dimensional scale so that we can make visual estimations on what movie you would like. Luc Leskovec is explaining it so great and easy. You should check it out in the video below:

My quote of the week:

You've Got To Make Your Actions Backup Your Ambitions - by Gary Vaynerchuck
I have this quote of him as my lock screen wallpaper. I talk a lot if you get me started on topics I like. Even though, I also love to listen and hear what people think, I believe talking a lot leads to the problem that you say things you cannot back up. This is definitively something that pissed me off about myself in the past. I've done it. I still sometimes do it, I feel. However, this is one of the quotes I live by now.

Please excuse the poor editing of the post. However, I really wanted to share this stuff and don't already break a series that didn't even propperly started, yet. As I wrote previously, continuity is king. So, now it is you turn! What do you think about the stuff above? What was it, that you found memorable during the last week? What caught your eyes and ears. I am curious to find out in the comments.


Thanks for bringing attention to @calaber24p's Etherium article. If you get the data, I'll definitely be looking at your findings.

Yes, it will take a time though. I need to scrap them myself and right now I am on projects till the end of July.
Let's see. I will keep you posted