The history of this nation has a LOT to do with it. No nation has the 400 year history of slavery and racial oppression that America has; almost all of our current issues today are directly tied to our past, but many in our society want to pretend the two are unrelated. So it leaves us unable to solve problems we face, because we ignore the root causes of our problems.
People in this nation 'feel' that some people are More entitled to health, wealth, education, and .... America ... than are others. So this shapes our policies and our attitudes whenever conversations come up about Free healthcare, Free Education; Or even 'sharing the wealth' ... it goes against our Nature - it's against American Culture. This has never been a place where access is for 'all' .... it's always been about privilege for 'some' ....
Till we rectify that issue, it will continue to cause additional Related Issues that we will never solve; because the root is still rotten; and we've never cleaned it up.
James Madison made sure this country was not a democracy, to ensure that the rich wouldn't have their property confiscated by the people. It goes on and on.