in #blog8 years ago (edited)

ALL "order followers" Every single one, BLANKET STATEMENT have been DUPED into believing they have "rights" that DO NOT exist. They actually "believe" in their own ignorance that they have "authority" over others! You'll NEVER create order through control. More control only begets more violence! People who think order is created out of control have been brainwashed and don't understand how universal laws operate! This is the problem w the world and why we're in the mess we're in. People ultimately do not understand "right" from "worng"

And many order followers think they're doing humanity a good service when NOTHING could be further from the truth! An order follower doesn't exercise consciousness, they give up personal responsibility to "choose" right from wrong to another person. The very essence of that job is to NOT think, just do what you're told! They don't care what's right or wrong, just give me a paycheck, I won't exercise any conscious, I'll just blindly follow whatever order you bark out! It wasn't Hitler who killed 6 million Jews in Nazi Germany, "order followers" did!

And you know what the MOST damaging compound to the human brain? It's not cocaine, heroin or even speed... it's adrenaline! Who is constantly in the left brain, "fight or flight" response, who constantly has adrenaline pumping through their veins sometimes 10-20-30 years!? Order followers, especially police! Just go on line and look at eeg brain scans of what adrenaline does to the human brain, it looks like craters on the moon! Where there should be electrical connections made in the brain and the "right brain" where chemicals for emotions are made, it's black, dead space, no connections, BRAIN DAMAGE! That's why some of them act the way they do.

These aren't human beings. A normal human being uses their brain, and emotion to decide "right" from "wrong" action in the world. Some of these people aren't human their "golems" their half human, they're brain damaged and don't even know it!

People need to start speaking out about what's really going on here before it's too late! Have the courage to speak out and tell these people to their face that what their doing is "wrong" "immoral" and "evil"! Tell them they're SICK, LITERALLY, and they NEED HELP! Order followers are the real builders of the dark new world order! An order follower is the lowest being in the entire universe!
And I'm not trying to polarize anyone against police and military, I'm simply stating the FACTS! We'll know the world is changing for the better when we see people leaving those kinds of ​jobs in droves! Then I will believe a "true awakening" across planet Earth is occurring. ​


Good Post!
Thanks for sharing.@trueawakening

Thanks Qaqiri. I know these kind of posts might not get the followers but I'm not here for a popularity contest. We need to stand together and start putting pressure on these people to STOP what their doing! Thx for the support!