You posted an Unsolicited comment on @rwarriorgoddess's post here. A Comment that looks TOTALLY like a piece of Junk Mail where you drone on an on about all these "RULES."
A simple look at your account shows you have 33 followers, none of whom I or @rwarriorgoddess follow so you're NOT a friend. You're a Stranger who is introducing yourself like some sort of Advertisement with unwelcomed statements of etiquette and false promises.
Way to go! You're taking a pristine new form of networking and turning it into a Robo-Caller for bothering the rest of us.
So it's really just pathetic SPAM... Really pathetic.
Perhaps move on?
Its a simple encouragement to new users (I only upvote people having reputation below 45) , and I don't ask anyone to follow me. I won't justify what you say here, but if you could give some positive comment about how I word the comment , that would be great help.
Otherwise move on. And by the way, we curate great posts for a bigger upvote from @curie, if you are not aware. Feel free to look at @humanbot , my step brother for more details.
I encourage to read a person's post and then comment about THAT person's content. Don't go around promoting your BOTs on people's posts. Make your own posts for that. It's not that hard to figure out.
You're welcome.
Now stop commenting!