More Oscar movie reviews with Rob: Lady Bird. Again potential SPOIL ALERTS ahead. Lady Bird is a coming of age film set in California in the early 2000s, which is odd because the time period really has nothing to do with the plot of the film. Actually the film really doesn't have much of a plot. The main character, who insists everyone call her Lady Bird, is played by Irish actress Saoirse (pronounced Sersha) Ronan. Her character is a trope. Not that she does a terrible job at playing a moody, quirky teenage girl, she puts in an incredible performance. But the real standout performance is Laurie Metcalf who plays the hard working mother that is trying to keep her family happy and make the best of a bad situation. She steals every scene she is in. Both actresses and the film are nominated. The film has some very funny moments and is worth viewing, so check the film out.
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