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RE: Freedom or slavery is the choice. Most people are choosing slavery and it sickens me to see it.

in #blog5 years ago

We see throughout our lives the fact of the benefit of adaptability. We can also observe that dependence avails great benefit to the servile. Cattle number in their millions today because husbandmen can easily profit from their docility. But rational consideration of history reveals that during catastrophic events, bottlenecks arise that separate the quick from the dead.

Survival of catastrophe demonstrably favors the nimble. Cattle are bred to be the antithesis of nimble, rather docile and slow. 2020 is clearly quasi-catastrophic, with yet largely underappreciated economic and cultural shocks ongoing that obviously have existential import for humanity.

Today the continuing husbanding by polities of their populations lends to the servile an appearance of benefit from their compliance with the demands of their masters, and scrawny wild cattle may envy their domestic cousins waxing fat in the feedlots. Yet the fragility of modern culture reveals it's vulnerability to shocks, and it is readily apparent that such shocks are ongoing. It is particularly in social and cultural mechanisms that such shocks are being deliberately effected, as the scamdemic is sequestering the obedient into house arrest and economic dependence on UBI, while those of independent means continue to undertake economic and social activity and interactions.

Should the burgeoning social unrest setting America ablaze produce any of several potentially catastrophic results, such as war, martial law, or pogroms, as is almost certain when regarded through the lens of history, the apparent benefits of servility you despair of will quickly vanish, and that dependence on beneficent overlords become highly detrimental to survival. It is quite obvious in recent history that overlords and their agents in society are quite hostile to their subjects. Prince Philip famously declared he wanted to be reincarnated as a deadly virus to decimate the populations that fatuously sucked up to his royal power. The Georgia Guidestones literally demand global genocide of up to 90% of humanity. The Sorosian NGOs like Extinction Rebellion being used to bleat propaganda incessantly, now being followed up with Antifa and BLM directed rioting, have similarly focused on depopulation, and that of typical consumers, the complacent cattle you detest. It can be bewildering to see that population demanding it be slaughtered, but it is what they are doing. It is also demonstrable that domestication intends to ease the slaughter of the domesticated. That is what farmers do to their stock when their herds have grown sufficiently fat. That's why they fatten them up in feedlots.

It is almost inconceivable that catastrophic population reductions aren't nascent today, given the scanty routes to renormalization of society, and the continual refrain that we are to expect a new normal from the representatives of overlords feeding us the propaganda funded by banksters.

It will not be those that line up voluntarily to be injected with DNA altering 'vaccines' that survive preferentially the ongoing catastrophe. It will not be those devoutly believing the propaganda and fearing to step out of the lines painted on the floors of our structures that resist the cull coming. It is not the compliant cattle that survive the harvest, but the feral that leap the fences, that disperse into the wild when the herds are driven to the slaughter, that will survive.

Overlords intend to lay waste to humanity, and this intention is blared in the propaganda of recent decades. We are experiencing dramatic social and economic turmoil obviously deliberately effected by those overlords today. It is not difficult to predict that many will begin to die shortly as any of a number of vectors, or all of them, produce existential threats that decimate populations - as long declared by overlords to be their desire.

Them as line up in the chutes to the abattoir will die in droves, with few survivors of their ilk, while those that refuse, that resist, that think for themselves and color outside the lines, will preferentially survive. It is likely that many people will wake up to the danger when they see the hammer fall on the fresh dead at the head of the lines they are in.

Then, it will be too late to save themselves.



Thanks for the fantastic reply. It could have been a post on its own !!!

I will continue to resist in every way possible. I will never take their vaccine or become a willing slave.

Freedom or death !!!

You have long posted your honest thoughts here, and deserve no less from me.

"Freedom or death!!!"

We all die.

Die free.