Really good points man! I really enjoy your different perspectives about going into College. Thanks for posting. The NCAA is definitely great, but the institutions profit too much for the certain athletics. Others dwindle. College is a good tool, if used correctly. As you said, those who dropped out and succeeded did it when convenient almost. Getting a bigger picture of the world will come through the attendance of college. I however do not like the time it takes away from self-discovery; i believe this is one of the highest priorities of life.
I've never looked around my schools art gallery too much, I'll have to check it out for sure! What did you study in school?
Self discovery takes a lifetime. Its not a sprint, its a marathon. Life would be boring if you figured it out at 18.
Also I have an English, and Film degree. Also the required Math, Science, Philosophy, Sociology and what not.
Also I wrote a recent post about what a place is that you might enjoy. :)
Fair statement, but many make it further spiritually than others. I started mine way earlier than my father. I seem to be 20 years ahead almost; DNA replica, just best circumstances this time. Evolution is amazing.
That's a unique degree. What do you do with it? You must love this platform, lets raise your reputation there!
Yeah just trying to make a point to write more for the moment. My rule for now is -doesn't matter what you write about just do it everyday- I can't improve if I don't practice. Steemit gives me a place to work on it. A Tool and community.
That's awesome man, I really enjoy your responses, keep it up. I started with a goal of daily posts for a month. After a week, I started two a day, and now it seems like they just flow 2 -5 sometimes. You got it though. I don't know how you're still at 25 with your commenting activity.