Is the World Getting Better? How to Make a Smartphone, Butt Hair

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." -William James, Father of American Psychology

1. How To Make A Smartphone... (YouTube)

A look inside the OnePlus smartphone factory. They do some interesting drop tests on the phone by dropping it from various heights in a fancy machine, and there's a test where a machine inserts and unplugs a charger to test the durability of the charge port. 

2. I Botoxed My Balls to Make Them Look Nicer (Vice)

"It's characterized by its sort of wrinkly appearance, and a lot of men want to smooth that out."


As the doctor makes the inject into the sack he goes "mosquito bite" 

"a bulldog's testicles look"

 "smoother, longer, larger"

At around $500 a pop, this patient’s doctor predicted it will last about 3 months and he’s built about $2,000 a year into his budget for the procedure. (Metro)

The man has a ballsack budget! Just imagine going to school for 10 years to become an MD, and your job is to inject botox into people's balls. 

3. Is the world getting better or worse? A look at the numbers | Steven Pinker (YouTube,TED)

Something to restore your faith in humanity. The world is becoming a better place, and there is data to support it. Today, all of the following are lower than they were 30 years ago: homicides, wars, autocratic governments, extreme poverty levels, numbers of nuclear arms weapons, and pollution rates. We are constantly being fed news that the world is collapsing, but the reality is that it is getting better. Although there is a long way to go, we're making progress.

Reason+Science (applied to human well-being) = Progress

4. Why do we have butt hair? (YouTube)

There isn't one clear theory, but one theory is that there is no reason not to have butt hair. Our ancestors didn't mind mating with people with butt hair so seemingly it stuck around. There may not be a purpose for it, but if there was a purpose it could be to communicate scents or prevent chafing. What a fascinating world we live in.

This is a post from my daily blog