Undercover Lover - My Relationship with an Undercover Cop (hooker) that was Very Married!

in #blog8 years ago

Attention: This story contains sexually explicit depictions and descriptions and is marked NSFW. I have made every attempt to tone down the story as much as possible without loosing the essence of the story. There is no foul language and the story should be suitable for anyone 14 years old or older. If you are younger than 14 please leave now!

The Setup

When I was 15 years old I was emancipated from state custody and became a legal adult. I had already been on the road, hitchhiking around before that and did a heck of a lot of it after that. One of the truck-stops I routinely wound up at was the TA (Travel Centers of America) in Baldwin, FL (Jacksonville West). Back in my late teens and early 20's there were a LOT of "Lot Lizzards" (trucker lingo for prostitutes) that worked that truck-stop, especially between 1-3 AM. The local sheriff's department eventually got wise to them and began sending in an undercover cop as a "lot lizzard" to both catch the actual hookers and the johns (truckers that would pay them). She was in her late 20's at that time and very very good looking. Being that I was a hitchhiker I kept a low profile and avoided her like the plaque.

Fate Intervened

Years later I started driving a truck (back in 2003) and was routinely taking loads into and out of the Jacksonville, FL area. On about my 2nd or 3rd trip to the area I was sitting at the TA in Baldwin, FL at night. I was parked near the end of the fuel island, facing the south side of the building. I couldn't sleep so I was just sitting there listening to the CB Radio. Then I see coming down the road her brown Lincoln, the same one she drove years earlier. Right behind it was a white Cargo Van with bars in the windows. She pulls into the TA and parks right by the end of the building (between the south end of the building and the diesel fuel pumps), literally right in front of me. The white van parks at a gas station across the street.

I sat there and listened and she got on the CB and quickly made a date. About 10 minutes later she came back to her car, got on the CB and made another date. After she had set up about 20 such dates I had to answer the call of nature. As I was making my way to the truck stop she was returning to her car. We met at her car (I swear I didn't plan that) and I told her "I know who and what you are, if this is getting you as turned on as listening to it is me, then when you get off duty I will be right there in that white truck and the drivers door will be unlocked!" and I pointed at my truck before walking on into the Truck-Stop.

After using the bathroom I went back to my truck and she was gone (around 2:30 AM). So I sat in the drivers seat a few minutes and then here comes the white van loaded with truck drivers. It leaves the truck stop so I figure she already left and I go to bed. But ever the optimist I left the drivers door unlocked just in case. Before I could even get completely undressed (I slept in the nude in those days) I hear the drivers door opening. "Cindy is that you?" I said as she climbed inside and locked the door behind her. "Yes it is" I heard as she opened the curtains and made her way into the sleeper. As she closed the curtains I turned on the lights and slid over in bed so she could sit/lay down. I was completely naked now but under a blanket so she wasn't aware.

The Bad News

There is something I need to tell you. "I am an undercover cop, but I think you already knew that!" she said as I laid there grinning with one hand under the covers trying to hide the massive boner I now had. "I am also very married but my husband hates that I do this kind of work and refuses to have anything to do with me anymore....sexually anyway!" she continued! "I have tried to divorce him but he is also a cop and well lets just say the department and judges are all men and friends of his!" she added as I began praying she would just pull the covers off me.

"I knew you where a cop and suspected you were married and unsatisfied at home. You seemed to really get into the part and I could tell you enjoyed the sexual conversations. Hence the reason I made the comment to you I did when I passed you on the way into the truck stop earlier." I responded as I slid the covers off me with one hand and laid the other on her upper thigh.

First Time

I may never know if it was the site of my bulging and throbbing manhood, or the hand on her inner thigh that did the trick, but instantly she buried her face in my groin and went to work. I was so turned on by this point I started ejaculating almost before she even got started. She never said a word or missed a beat....she just kept going at it until it was once again hard enough to hang a slab of beef from. The whole time slowly undressing herself.

Once it was sufficiently hard again she mounted me like a cowgirl mounting a bronc and commenced riding the pony until daylight. When she had finally gotten enough, or left enough in my bed....she climbed off and began getting dressed. As soon as she was fully dressed she grabbed my cellphone and programmed in herself. Telling me to call her anytime I am in the area and if she can get away she will come meet me.

Follow Up Visits

It was a cheap (dumb phone) from Sprint that I was using at the time, but it worked for about a year after that. I made it through there about 15 times during that year and 12 of them she came to see me. Once she staid in the truck with me for 3 whole days (I was out of hours and couldn't go anywhere). We literally didn't leave the truck except for potty breaks the entire 3 days.....and we weren't doing much talking....or sleeping.

Then one day in a fit of rage because the cellphone was a POS I snapped.....or rather the phone snapped between my hands into about 100 pieces. This was before Online Backup (Sync) and I didn't have her number written down anywhere or saved in a "little black book".

During that year she had quit working undercover as the police department had decided they had the prostitution under control now and would just have deputies patrol the lot every few minutes at night. I never knew her last name either so there was no way to find her shy of calling the Police Department and asking for a female officer named "Cindy" and hoping I didn't have to explain to her husband (the dispatcher now after getting hurt on the job) why I was calling.....needless to say I wasn't about to do that.

The End

I never saw "Cindy" again after that, but I have thought about her often. She was a very special part of my life for almost a year and I will always remember our encounters fondly.

Disclaimer: This is a true story, however some facts and details have been purposely changed to protect her and her career.


That's a good story...Real life craziness

Diggin' this. She-cops are predatory as fuck!

Rude, very rude but good.

"Rude, very rude but good."

What the heck are you talking about?