This is a random photo project developed for all the forgotten photos and pictures saved on my phone for reasons I can't remember.
Russian McDonald's. Now crap food is crap food no matter where you travel in the world but I can say Russian McDonald's is better than American McDonald's. The french fries are actually potatoes, imagine that...real potatoes in Russia.


Yo Quiero Comer Eso, Pero Aqui En Venezuela No Me Dejaa :(
Hmmmm, now I'm hungry!
I know ... me too
Yummy, yummy.. :)
it wasn't too bad :)
In fact, it looks good :)
I think it is great that you try junk food in different country. I have had pleasant surprises while doing so.
You gotta love that MacDonalds :)
You have got so many kinds of dipping by the side!
Real potatoes are very good for you!
they were really good, I tried both styles :
was this your lunch or dinner?
late lunch, early dinner and I was really really hungry so it was pretty good
Hunger adds taste to the food ;)
i really does :)
Now I'm hungry!!!!

Woow delicious, thanks for share !
This is good food ... thank you
Do you like macdonald?
I do not like McDonalds but decided to try Russian brand
Hey take that back! McDonald’s is not crap food! It’s one of the best restaurants humans invented and I love to enjoy it once a week! 😋