Where are you so far?...
Yesterday, when I went to hit the gym...
I noticed that I didn't have to wait for weights...
The faces became familiar again...
What happen?
The people who were on fire on January 1, 2018 lost there mojo...
They lost their desire to be healthy in 2018...
They lost their desire to lose weight in 2018...
They lost their desire to have that body that they dreamed about...
And you know what?
Many have done the same already with other goals that they may have in their lives...
What happen between the first day of the year and now?
They quit...
For most, the things that you want in life are very difficult to attain...
And instead of staying focus and keep on pushing...
Like not losing 3 lbs in a month, you get discourage and just quit...
The first thing that people have to come into the realization is that anything worth having is going to be difficult to get...
How do you eat a whole elephant?...
In little pieces...
That's how you have to set your goals...
Look at the final results...
Reverse engineer it...
And then set small goals for yourself...
Which will lead to your actual goal...
Stop doing the same thing over and over again, year after year...
Try something different this year...
Now be honest...
Where are you so far for the year?
Following you!