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RE: Call The FBI We Need Your Help To Stop The Threats To Our Baby

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Classic Troy Reid and his youtuub career,
creating drama to get others to do his dirty work.

What you fail to acknowledge Mr Reid,
is it is YOU that is under scrutiny for your misrepresentations that YOU release on video for the world to see and hear.
Then you eventually contradict everything you do and say,
with excuses and blame,
NEVER taking responsibility for YOUR actions.

Your wife and alleged child are not being threatened.
Viewers are concerned for their safety and well being.
All your snippet and vague pages of “proof” you (didn’t) show in this video is not legitimate anything.

Just inhinged and irresponsible drama.

You created your so-called “trolls” once you deleted and banned them from all your platforms.

Now you are going to create the same by putting law enforcement officials through the same.

I hope someone in LE (including your local game warden)
does take you serious and reviews all your so-called proof and compare that to your contradicting videos and Steemit blockchain.

And don’t forget to tell them YOU invited me via Steemit earlier this year,
to your residence in Michigan, for a
“face to face, with open hands, but only in the daytime, to end this”.

It is obvious you do not need to be employed,
and even though you say “YT is your last stand”,
you prove daily by not following through with your promises to “improve” the channel and promises to make “daily videos”
(because your claims of being busy doing other things)
that you don’t need the money by doing (or not doing) videos,
when this is clearly the common denominator.

You clearly need help,
but I don’t think it’s the type you’re wishing for.


I don't think his drama video went over very well with his audience. He's lost over sixty subscribers and many have posted comments in disgust asking people to mob call the FBI to report crimes he himself won't report. It also leave a bad taste in people mouths when in the middle of this whack a doodle drama a commercial plays. And to top that off he loads the description with links advertising his other channels? Something is really askew here.

Now the FBI will know he is crazy too!