
I found that a combination of Vit B3 (1500mg) and an anti-psychotic helped to cease transmissions. Please see my other post at for further information.

wow, I am sorry that you have to take an anti-psychotic...because for me as an artist that would make me less sensitive - and it might be what they are trying to get us to do - go on meds - this might sound weird but I ask Jesus Christ to stand between me and people, and that seems to block all negative action against me. I have been in some pretty dark situations as an intuitive and also the kind of spiritual work I do - I am also in the presence of evil.I am not a "christian" although I do live by natural law principles and practice the golden rule.

Thank goodness it is not for very much longer! Unfortunately I had no other option and it interferes with my psychic abilities.

Well that's good! I am happy for you that it is not for much longer. I have a friend who is a "T.I." - I sent her a link to your article. I think she took Seroqyl for a while.

I hope that she wins the battle against these evil people. They just want us to suffer. Thanks for sending the article on.

there is 2 kinds of clairvoyants in this realm is Pseudo Clairvoyance and the Other is the True clairvoyant...Know Yourself Indeed...Beauty is within and The magic then Truly Begins

May Truth find The ones That seek
Thank You Kindly

I totally agree. This experience changed my life forever. Thanks.