Hey @earthnation cool to connect with you here!
Yes - I am well educated in NLP :)
You spotted me :)
I also have training which goes deeper than NLP.
Just took a quick browse at some of your posts - and tuning into website that was linked - Very cool stuff.
I definitely align with what you are presenting
I'm curious to explore more! I love connecting with others who share the vision, and realize the potential here as Heaven on Earth. It is indeed awe-so-me. :)
Quick overview:
community building, eco villages, crypto...creating Equality Keys and linking to property ( i had been thinking about this recently...my initial frame work was to utilize strategic locations throughout the world to build world class facilities which have a strong support structures around sustainable living/growing but to also support recreation and leisure activities....so thinking of the setup is like a sports style resort meets the farm - being close to the mountains is appealing for winter activities like skiing and snowboarding and also the added benefits of glacier water)
Oh and real cool to see someone talking about dao's and cool to see there seems to be some pretty good structure to what you guys are doing.
Can you list your main websites for me. Definitely see potential for creative collaboration :)