It's Pris here. I hope you are having a great Summer. :) It's scorching hot right now where I live but we have had a milder Summer than last year up until now which I'm grateful for. Still the end of Summer and beginning of Autumn might be my favourite time of the year, where you can still dip your feet in the cold water of creeks and enjoy the lush of green in its splendour.

Above: Me, this August 2023. And my copy of Enchanted Living Magazine "The Summer Witch" issue where I've been featured in. Enchanted Living (formerly Faerie Magazine) is a quarterly print magazine that celebrates all things enchanted and magical and fairy-tale like. Every issue corresponds to a season and feature curated fantasy photos, articles, crafts, fiction and more.
Hello my dear friends... how is your Summer? It's scorching hot right now where I live but we have had a milder Summer than last year up until now which I'm grateful for.
Above there is a little video of a recent featurette in Enchanted Living magazine and some impressions of my Summer. We are undergoing a heat wave at the moment but I have started walking mindfully again. I will share about that on a separate post.

Above: me and Lay-ah
I was featured in a four pages interview on Faerie Magazine back in 2008 where I attended and performed at Faerieworlds . Back then it was a full feature about my music, but I have remained in good terms with the magazine staff since. And they requested if they could use some of my pictures for some articles (though unrelated to my work I was glad to be featured and they were very kind to send me a copy).

Above: Aughra seems to be very interested. By the way she's named after the witch from The Dark Crystal (my favourite movie)

I also made a short video, but I wasn't sure how to attach it here. It's on instagram and you can watch it here
Photos selected for the magazine
These are the ones that were used in the SUMMER WITCH issue at Enchanted Living Magazine (formerly Faerie magazine) and above a little video of me and my Pitichoos peeking through the magazine as I was kindly forwarded a copy.
This one was featured in an article about wearing green that you can now read on their official website about dressing in green colours... As I' have mentioned countless times my favourite colour to wear. This was the outfit and t I used in my song MORA-IA (which video you can watch here)
And this other one featuring one of the most epic twilights I've seen (and that will one day be included in a video cos I filmed that day)
Other recent features include an interview for Hive
And you can read it in this other Hive post conducted by @hmfv
Nothing is done until it's done music video is DONE!! Stay tuned but here a sneak peek
And "Nothing is done until it's done" music video is already "done" :) This one it's going to be strange and special and deal with a serious issue like "Climate change". It will be a bit dark and dystopian and aching as it was filmed in the aftermath of several wild fires, but this is a side that I also wanted to rise for awareness. The song itself (Nothing is done until it's done) does not specifically talk about it but it's inferred, though it could be also a "waking up call" for any important issue that is worth fighting for. For me it's this one and I firmly believe WE ONLY HAVE ONE PLANET EARTH and we should not be questioning if and if nots but just being guardians of the wonderful miracle life and Nature is. But still the song itself could be about any matter that requires action and worth fighting for.
This is a sneak peek. The video was filmed in the aftermath of several wild fires all through different years. And needless to say how pressing this matter seems to be of late. I've worked in this video for years and I am happy to say I will finally share it the following week. This one has been a challenge and so much work, I'm looking forward to share.

Remember you have the song available already on spotify
And always a reminder that it'd be nice if you follow me on spotify and add me to your playlists. It really does help
Looking forward to share this one... It has undergone several states and had to be simplified a little because my gear is limited. I hope to upgrade to a better camera when possible too, one that is more suitable for post and colour grading, but you have to work with what you have, and despite humble resources, this one was a bit complex to get it done, just to honour its title :) Stay tuned, it will be up early next week.
Recording some candid things just for fun
I have been indulging in lots of karaoke fun this month, just singing my heart out loud, very much as practicing exercises and also to explore songs that are a challenge for me. So I may share some snippets (audio only or candid phone videos). Some I might even cover formally but keeping focus on the original songs and traditionals I'm trying to get finished. Still my hearing has been reasonably better and I enjoy so much to have a greater feedback of my voice while singing that I'm also using singing practise as stress-relief, and thus singing things just for pleasure. I'm inclined to share some of that soon. Though maybe my neighbours might not be as happy as me singing old 80s songs to the top of my lungs.
Working on good habits again
After a long pause inactive, I've started to mindful walk again. I already shared two years ago a post about that practise (just to walk with awareness of your surroundings and senses but letting go of all thoughts except being present where you are). It really did me so well back then, but for many reasons I halted and I'm trying to resume that and other good habits. Intentions matter at least, so I put it in writing :)
Here a rewarding spot I reached the other day walking.
I will share some impressions of my recent walks separately :)
But happy I got that ball rolling and started to get moving again.
It was not laziness but health which forced a stop, but now I'm better and I need to rebuild endurance and get in shape.
I have also started meditating EACH day :) once during the day and another right before going to sleep. I'm trying to take my self-care more seriously now :)
- (spotify)
- (official)
- (Buy my CDs, art)
Thanks for your support, please SHARE and encourage!
singer-songwriter & illustrator
Please give us an update once the video is out. Would love to see it. The photos btw on the magazine are truly magical. Congratulations on being featured. More to come.
I will. And will share a post with photis as soon as it hits on my YouTube. I am looking forward to share this one, and thanks for the interest, it is encouraging ❤️🎵
Hello Witch ;-)
I'm listening to "Nothing is done until it's done" on Tidal right now, can't wait to see the video :-)
By the way it might be a good idea to add also your Tidal's artist view to the list of links:
Actully a great listen! I so wish we could do more with hive and music some how mix it in with a good front end and support music artists with streams etc.
Thank you, well there are plenty of places to stream for but let's face streaming does not pay really artists. Still Hive is like other social networks as valuable to share our shout outs and works as every other. Sometimes I get more comments around here or more indepth insights than on instagram with way more followers. So I always find my way back to encouraging feedback. That is value I get here that is not a number. For me every potential listener that may like what I do is a reward, so thank you.
The video was complex snd I had to simplify in the end but carries an important message for me. And though the song is not specifically about it but any concerning matter require action and coursge. I will edit and add it and thank you so much for the support. I sm gonna send many of the sings that made it to YouTube snd not streaming to update catalogue soon. But new ones are shaping
The video work on your songs blows me away! Loving the vibe and kind of middle earth LOTR feel I get from it all for some reason lol. Loving what you're doing consider me a new fan.
Oh, appreciated :) I think I'm the forest elf on hive hahah, or old crone witch in the woods, depending on the day XD. Thanks very much for the listen and the remark, I actually love Tolkien and fantasy overall which I feel is present in all my work. That's very encouraging, thanks. Next music video has been long time in the works and as the little sneak peek suggests it's a bit more somber :) but hope you'll like it.
Congratulations - what beautiful pictures :) It looks like you are on a creative streak 🙌
Are you familiar with Dreemport, by the way? I think it would be a great fit for you.
This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project
I cannot stay I am, what is it?
And thanks, I'm inspired but I go slowly cos I've been very tired, but trying my best and finally completing things that were long overdue and simmering slowly
Your pictures look very beautiful, my friend
Also, congratulations to you on your achievement
I wish you so much more of that
Beautiful post and congratulations on an amazing achievement.
Excellent content phenomenal photography. I accidentally slipped and pressed the follow button. Unfortunately I'm low on voting power otherwise I might have accidentally hit that button too.
Stuffed animals.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of gameexp
What great photos, it has a nice vintage style and at the same time special!
Thank you so much
Speaking of TV Guide Magazine is one of those magazines that helps you understand what is happening on television. I personally like tv guide magazine because it not only has a program schedule but also interesting materials about shows and stars. It's especially useful when you want to know what is new on the screens or choose what to watch in the evening.