Fantastic post and more truer words have not been said. We so called humans are currently at the lowest and most disgraceful point than ever before. We are cruel, self obsessed, materialistic and down right arrogant on what is going on around us all over the world. If we don't make an effort to care, love, help and educate one another for the sake of a better future than we will be doomed sooner than we think.
Hopefully people will begin to understand we aren't our emotions, but they are only an expression of the unconscious ego and then understand they just have to let go of labels and accept eachother. Thank you for the time you took to read and wonderful comment. Love to you!
You're welcome, very well said about letting go of label and accept each other. Thank you too for for the great points you made on the post about improving whatever little humanity we have left. We need such 'wake up' calls every now and then, cheers and enjoy the rest of your weekend.