What made us leave a new private house, two cars and a "comfortable" life and move to a Third World country?
Hi everyone, nice to finally be here we are Carmit & Idan, Parents of four sweet little girls: ten-year-old Mor, eight-year-old maayan and 4-year-old identical tweens Noam and Gili.
After a long time that we're thinking about sharing our story, we are finally doing it!
We are originally from israel and for the last 26 months, we live in alto Praiso Brazil.
We will be very happy to share with you some information about our journey.
In the picture: saying goodby to our comfortable house in israel...
The reasons we left israel:
Economic situation: Even when we earned 20K and 30K, it wasn't enough. We could not allow ourselves to send
the girls for afternoon classes, to but new clothes, Inability to get outside help like a babysitter or help with
housework. offcours we couldn't save money for the future or pay for Insurance companies that will insure us in
case something happens and we can not workAn irrelevant education system: We really wanted to send the girls to alternative schools, the cost was really
irrelevant, in order to send them all we needed 10K per month, again the economic issue.Inaccessible Nature, and all kinds attractions in unreasonable costs
Driving in israel roads: Nervous, aggressive drivers cut you off on the road, traffic jams and parking spaces
problems almost everywhere.Long, tedious queues everywhere: in the supermarkets, in the bank, in the post office
Consuming culture:
we are not interested in taking part in a society where parents are so busy making money to buy things they do
not necessarily need to get in line with other children and / or clear their conscience for the many hours that are
not present in their children's lives. I prefer to work less and to be with my children more quality time.
I found myself have to compete with expensive, ridiculously exaggerated birthdays, now multiplying by four girls.
Why Alto Paraiso, Brazil?
Comfortable climate
Good atmosphere - pleasant people, smiling and warm
A cheap option to hire a worker to help with housework or with the children
Personal security - I have not seen and heard of cases of violence, so I have heard of burglaries of empty houses
from people, and a number of robberies of banks that populate, who was violent and the policemen who shot at
the robbers. But these are things that happen everywhere, where two socioeconomic classes meet so different
and only natural that crime will take place.Nature is accessible and wonderful
Change consciousness medicines and ceramonies
Much cheaper Housing and taxes
We will share photos and videos of places we travel around this special area of brazil.
In the next posts, we will share The advantages and disadvantages in life here.
Great receipies of deliciose vegan food that we are making.
We want to share different points of view of the local approach to the nature world through nutrition, medicines and the uniq lifestyle itself.
What are we doing for a living? how can you make money from every place in the world?
What are the real estate opportunities here for you guys?
And the most big question: how do we manage to deal with four little girls and make money?
We are here to give a glimpse of a different and unusual life in a very special, beautiful, consciousness Changing place.
Have you ever thought about making such a big change in your life? what's stoping you?
If you found our story interesting and you want to know and see more about it :) please upvote for us.
Thank you for reading.
בהצלחה. נשמע מעניין ואעקוב אחרי הסיפור שלכם.
: כמה טיפים
Good luck!
יש לנו גם פייסבוק ודיסקורד.
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תודה רבה!