Lagenda aceh

in #bloger7 years ago



Aceh (Dutch: atchin or acheh, English: achin, French: achen or acheh, Arabic: asyi, Portuguese language: achen or achem, Chinese language: a-TSI or ache) which is now known as nanggroe Aceh Darussalam have the root of the culture language of the family language Monk Khmer proto Malay with the division of the other languages such as the Southern part of use language aneuk jamealah the middle, Southeast, and East use language gayo to the northern part of use language Alas so on the Eastern part of further East use language tamiang with ethnic groups klut that are in the Southern part of use language klutalah in Simeulue use language Simeulue will each second language it can be divided also be a dialect. Acehnese language, for example, is to speak with a little difference in Aceh large, in pidie, and in Aceh North. similarly, in the language gayo there gayo lut, gayo series, and dialect gayo lues and other ethnic groups singkil existing Southeastern part (tanoh mat) language singkil. sources other historical can be obtained, among others, such as of the tale Aceh, saga Rajah Aceh and saga prang sabii from historical narrative then built in the manuscript script script jawi (jawoe). However, there are some things that need to be known by Prof. Ibrahim alfian as a manuscript saga war sabil which has a lot of version and one with the other is no difference to the manuscripts saga war sabil version of the year 1710 which is in the library Leiden University in the Netherlands. early Aceh in the source of anthropology derived from the origin derived from the tribe mantir (or in the language Aceh: mantee) that has a relationship with spells Malacca which is part of the nation Mon Khmer (Monk Khmer). according to the source of the history of narrative of the other is going on Acehnese of his place in the village seumileuk which is also called village rumoh two blaih (village rumoh 12), it is located on the seulimeum between the village jantho with tangse.seumileuk it wide plain and mantir then spread all over the Valley Aceh three terms and then moved to the other places. culture grouping culture in four division of culture based on the (kawom) or referred to as well as the tribe (sukee) of the ongoing among others through the language of the ancient; culture lhee reutoh (the / parts three hundred) from culture mantee as natives. culture imeum peuet (the / parts priests the four) from the South India Hindu. culture Tok batee (the / parts sufficient rock) which came then comes from a variety of ethnic Eurasian, East Asia and Arabic. cultural JA clothing (the / parts) is a immigrants India has embraced Islam. overall culture above applicable mention for itself as ureueng Aceh which means Acehnese. early history in the source of the book of chronic Kingdom Liang and the Kingdom of Sui China's ever thought about 506 to 581 ad is no Kingdom of Poly the territory of power over Aceh magnitude in nāgarakṛtāgama called as the Kingdom of lamuri that in the source of the history of the Arab called lamkrek, Lam urik, hemp, ramniakang and in the source of the history of the Chinese other called also by the name of the LAN fact sheet, LAN-wuli or LAN wo fact sheet with sea Port called ilamuridesam giving also been disingahi and written by Marco polo (1292) the origin of Venice in the book way home from China to get the Persian (Iran) when it is still under the influence of the sovereignty of the Kingdom of sriwijaya under the House of (dynasty) syailendra with Kings done balaputera gods, full of Palembang, South Sumatra strong and regional power extends, the reach of bone onion, bangka Island, Jambi, critical KRA and Java then built Borobudur. since this defeat the authority of the Kingdom of sriwijaya start decreased with dratis that provide opportunities for kingdoms the first under sovereignty sriwijaya start magnify and regain the sovereignty of full. period thus sriwijaya new end up in the year 1377. the Ocean pasai Sultanate of the Ocean pasai, also known as the Ocean, pasai, or Ocean Darussalam, is the kingdoms of Islam is in the Coast of North Coast of Sumatra, more or less around the city lhokseumawe, North Aceh right now. Kingdom was built by angry silu, which holds Malik Inter alia-Saleh, at around the year 1267 and ends with dikuasainya pasai by Portuguese in the year 1521. the King of the first named Sultan Malik as-Saleh who died in 696 H or 1297 ad, followed his administration by the Sultan Malik at-Tahir. Sultanate of the Ocean-pasai also listed in the book of rihlah ILA L-masyriq (Rove to the East) the work of Abu Abdullah IBN batuthah (1304-1368), the traveler Moroccan layover in the Ocean in the year 1345. IBN batuthah tell you about the Sultan Malik az-Zahir in the country samatrah greet with full firm. according IBN batuthah, citizens samatrah (Ocean) adheres to school syafi'i. not so much evidence and news of the Kingdom of this to be able to use as material study of history. era Malik Inter alia Saleh before dynasty usmaniyah in Turkey standing in the year 699 H-1341 H or along with the year 1385 ad-1923 ad, it turns out nun far in parts of the world the East, the world of Asia, has emerged the Kingdom of Islam Ocean-pasai that is in Aceh established by meurah silu (meurah means Maharaja in the language Aceh) immediately renamed after login Islam by the name of Malik Inter alia-Saleh who died in 1297. in which the successor is not clear, but in the year 1345 Ocean-pasai ruled by Malik Inter alia Zahir, grandson Malik Inter alia-Saleh. political Ocean pasai contrary to political elephant Mada elephant Mada raised as governor in kahuripan (1319-1321) by jayanagara of majapahit. and in the year 1331, move up elephant Mada be mahapatih majapahit appointed by the Queen tribhuwana wijayatunggadewi. while the inauguration of elephants Mada be mahapatih majapahit this is out his words are called oath palapa containing "he will not enjoy palapa before nationwide under the power of the Kingdom of majapahit". it turns out with basic oath palapanya this is the elephant Mada feel happy to hear and see the Ocean pasai in Aceh growing and forward. in the year 1350 majapahit want to demolish the Ocean pasai, but majapahit never reach the Kingdom of the Ocean pasai because obstructed Warrior sriwijaya. for 27 years majapahit revenge of the Kingdom of sriwijaya and then in the year 1377 error sriwijaya digempurnya, so drop history sriwijaya as state Buddhist full of these Palembang. Sultanate era Aceh Sultan Iskandar young Aceh is a country very rich and prosperous during the glory. according to a explorers French which arrived at the heyday Aceh in the time of Sultan Iskandar young meukuta mighty nature, power Aceh reach the West Coast minangkabau, Sumatra East, up to silver in Peninsular Malaysia. Aceh is one of the nation on the Island of Sumatra that has a tradition of the military, and never be the strongest in the waterway, which includes the area of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula, currently under power Iskandar young. Sultan Iskandar young later married to a daughter of the Sultanate Pahang. daughter is known by the name of putroe Phang. that said, because too love singing along the Sultan, Sultan he added Gunawan in the middle of field phantasmal (Palace garden) as a sign cintanya.kabarnya, the daughter of always sad because harbored miss extremely against his hometown the hilly. therefore Sultan build gunongan to mengubati miss the daughter. this time gunongan can still be seen and visit. Aceh against the Portuguese when the Sultanate of the Ocean pasai in crisis, then the Sultanate of Malacca that appears below parameswara (paramisora), which renamed after login Islam with call Iskandar the Shah. Islamic Kingdom of Malacca this advanced rapidly up in the year 1511 when the Portuguese under the leadership of Afonso d'Albuquerque with its fleet conquest of Malacca. when Malacca fall into the hands of Portuguese, back Aceh arise from the leadership of the Sultan Ali mughayat Shah (1514-1528) .yang passed by the Sultan Salahuddin (1528-1537). Sultan Alauddin riayat syahal Kahar (1537-1568). Sultan Ali riyat Shah (1568-1573). Sultan series nature (1576. the Sultan young (1604-1607) Sultan Iskandar young, degree marhum Crown of nature (1607-1636). all attack launched the Portuguese can ditangkisnya. relationship with the West England on the 16th century, Queen of England, Elizabeth I, send envoy to Sir James lancester to the Kingdom of Aceh and send a letter: "to the civil servant, Kings Aceh Darussalam." and a set of jewelry high value. Sultan Aceh at that time receive a good faith "sister" in the UK and in the UK for anchored and trade in the territory Aceh. even Sultan also send gifts valuable including bracelet of rubies and letters written on paper smooth with ink emas.sir James was awarded the title of "the rich White". Sultan Aceh else avenge the letter of Queen Elizabeth I. the following footage letter Sultan Aceh, which still kept by the government of the British Empire, dated the year 1585: "I am the ruler of the mighty countries in the bottom of the wind, which pooled above ground Aceh and land Sumatra and above all areas seized Aceh, stretching from the Horizon Sunrise to Sunrise." relationship intimate between Aceh and English continues during the King James I of England and skotlandia.raja James send a Cannon as a gift for the Sultan Aceh. Cannon it until now still maintained and known as the Cannon King James. Netherlands in addition to the British Empire, Prince maurits - founder dynasty oranje- also never send letters with a view ask for help Aceh Sultanate Darussalam. Sultan welcome goodwill them by sending group envoy to belanda.rombongan this led by my Lord Abdul Hamid. entourage this is known as the first to stop in the Netherlands. in his visit my Lord Abdul Hamid sick and end of the world. he was buried massive in the Netherlands with attended by authorities-magnifying Netherlands. However, because the Netherlands has never been buried Muslims, it was buried in a way of religion Christians in the yard a Church. Ottoman during Iskandar young, the Kingdom of Aceh send envoy to face the Sultan Ottoman domiciled in Istanbul. since that time the Sultan Ottoman being Gering the Messenger Kingdom Aceh terluntang-putrid so ever so must sell little by little gift offerings to maintain their lives. ago in the end when they received by the Sultan, they just stay stay pepper sicupak or pepper bag. but the Sultan welcomes the prize and send a Cannon and some skilled in the science of war to help the Kingdom of Aceh. Cannon of that there is still up to now known as the Cannon pepper sicupak. during the next Sultan Ottoman send you a star services to the Sultan Aceh. French Empire Aceh also received a visit the Messenger Kingdom perancis.utusan French King this original menghidirikan a mirror very useful for the Sultan aceh.namun on the way the mirror is broken. finally they present Flake mirror this as a gift for the sultan.dalam his book, Denys Lombard said that the Sultan Iskandar young very fond of objects valuable. at that time, the Kingdom of Aceh is the only the Kingdom of Malay have balee ceureumeen or the Hall of glass in court. according to the Messenger of France, the Palace of the Sultanate Aceh the extent of not less than two kilometer.istana it is called the Palace in darud donya (now meuligo Aceh, the residence of governor). diue include field fictional and field khaerani that can accommodate 300 tail forces elephants. Sultan Iskandar young also planning to move the River flow krueng Aceh to flow through his Palace (this River until now can still be seen, flowing quiet around meuligoe). that is where the Sultan often swim while entertain guest-tetamunya. a post-Sultan Iskandar Thani Kingdom Aceh after the death of Sultan Iskandar Thani decline constant. it is brought because it rise of the four sultanah consecutive to arouse anger the scholars wujudiyah. freelance, series Queen safiatudin series ta'jul natural Shah sovereign zilullahil filalam which is sultanah the first is a woman very capable. he is Sultana Iskandar young and wife Sultan Iskandar thani.ia also master 6 language, Spain, the Netherlands, Aceh, Malay, Arabic, and Persia. it was in the parliament Aceh consisting of 96, 1/4 dierah is a woman. resistance of the scholars wujudiyah attend to come fatwa of Mufti of Mecca stating objections will be a woman who became sultanah. finally ended heyday of women in Aceh. the arrival of the Colonial Aceh Sultanate involved the struggle for the power of prolonged since the early 16th century, the first to Portugal, and since the 18th century with great Britain and the Netherlands. at the end of the 18th century, Aceh determined submit territory in Kedah and Pulau Pinang in Malay Peninsula to United Kingdom. in 1824, agreement United-Dutch signed: United submit territory in Sumatra to the Netherlands. the United living in Aceh is their colony, this is not true. in 1871, United wind Netherlands to colonize Aceh, the possibility to replace. war Aceh 1873 war Aceh against the Netherlands. war Aceh caused by: Dutch the regions siak. result of the agreement siak 1858. in which the Sultan Ismail off the deli, langkat, asahan and Serdang to the Netherlands, areas that since the Sultan Iskandar young there under power Aceh. Netherlands abuse siak, then ended agreement London (1824) .dimana agreement London is the Netherlands and the UK to make the provisions of the limits of the power of the two areas in Southeast Asia with latitude Singapore. farewell sovereignty Aceh Aceh accused the Netherlands not keep his promise, so the Dutch ships passing earthquake Aceh drowned Aceh. deeds Aceh already UK, because the Netherlands guilty. the opening of the Suez Canal by Ferdinand de lesseps cause Aceh be a very important to traffic trade. made agreement Sumatra 1871 between the UK and the Netherlands, contents, England providing the flexibility to the Netherlands to take action in Aceh. Netherlands have to keep traffic in the Strait of Sumatra. Netherlands allowed the UK free trade in siak and bergisi Guinea West to the UK. due agreement Sumatra 1871, Aceh held a diplomatic relations with the American consul, Italy, Turkey in Singapore. and send envoy to Turkey 1871. due to diplomatic relations Aceh with American consul, Italy and the Turkish in Singapore, the Netherlands make it as a reason to attack Aceh. vice President of the board of the Indian Frederik nicolaas nieuwenhuijzen with 2 ship war comes to Aceh and asked description of the Sultan machmud Shah of what has been discussed in Singapore, Gan Sultan machmud refused to give particulars. Netherlands declare war against Aceh on March 26, 1873 after a couple of the threat of diplomatic. an expedition with 3.000 soldiers who led the Mayor of general Johan harmen Rudolf Köhler in 1874, but defeated Army Aceh, under the leadership of the commander of polem and Sultan machmud Shah, which has been modernize weapon. Köhler own work on April 10, 1873. expedition both under the leadership of general Jan Van swieten won the Sultan's Palace. when the Sultan machmud Shah died on January 26, 1874, replaced by my Lord Muhammad Dawood which has been named Sultan mosque indragiri.pada October 13, 1880, Colonial government stated that the war has berakhir.bagaimanapun ................................, at war with the Netherlands, the Sultanate Aceh could ask for help to the representatives of the United States in Singapore who visited commander tibang Muhammad in a journey to the inauguration Emperor Napoleon III of France. Aceh also send Habib Abdurrahman azh-zhahir to ask for help to the Caliph usmaniyah. However Turkey Ottoman at that time was had a kemunduran.sementara United States refused to intervene in affairs Aceh and the Netherlands. war back flared up in the year 1883. the Dutch troops tried release sailors United Kingdom being captured in one area of the power of the Sultanate Aceh, and attack region tersebut.sultan Aceh equipped prisoners and receive payment considerable instead. Meanwhile, the Minister of war Netherlands, August Willem Philip weitzel, back declare war open to the Aceh. Netherlands this time ask for help leaders, cultivated teuku Umar. teuku Umar given the title of the commander of the great war and on January 1, 1894 even receive funding Netherlands to build pasukannya.ternyata two years later teuku Umar even attack Netherlands forces with the new. in the war guerrilla's teuku Umar with commander polem and Sultan continue without persist. in 1899 it to be sudden on the parties Van der dussen in Meulaboh teuku Umar fall. but cut his' Dien wife teuku Umar ready to appear to be commander guerrilla war. in 1892 and 1893, the Netherlands assume they have won Aceh. Dr. Christiaan snouck hurgronje, an Islamic scholars from Leiden University has managed to get the trust of the many leader Aceh, and advise the Netherlands to attack them directed to the scholars, not to the Sultan. this suggestion it turns out managed. Dr. snouck hurgronye posing for 2 years in the interior of Aceh to kegasyarakatan and constitutional Aceh. work was recorded with title Acehnese (de atjehers). in the book the secret of the secret to conquer Aceh. contents advice snouck hurgronje to the governor of military the Dutch located in Aceh are: override the class of keumala (ie the Sultan domiciled in keumala) can be prevented. always attack and hit the scholars. do not want to talk with leaders guerrilla. founded the base in Aceh Kingdom. shows good intentions Netherlands to Acehnese, by way of establishing break, mosque, improve the streets of irrigation and help social work Acehnese. in 1898, joannes benedictus Van heutsz as governor Aceh in 1898-1904, then Dr. snouck hurgronye appointed as advisors, and with letnannya, hendrikus colijn (later became Prime Minister Netherlands), seize most Aceh. Sultan M. David finally meyerahkan themselves to the Netherlands in 1903 after two wife, children also his mother first captured by the Netherlands. Aceh Sultanate finally fall in 1904. the Palace Aceh Sultanate then diluluhlantakkan and replaced by the new building is now known as pendopo gubernur.pada the year, almost all Aceh has taken the Netherlands. tactics guerrilla war Aceh imitated by Van heutz, which formed forces marechaussee led by Hans christoffel forces colone macannya that have been able and master the mountains of-the mountains, forests jungle Kingdom Aceh to find and using the rebels-fighters Aceh. tactics next conducted Netherlands is a way kidnapping family members insurgents Aceh. for example christoffel kidnapped consort of Sultan and Tengku putroe (1902). Van der maaten charming son of Sultan my Lord Ibrahim. Cody, Sultan give up on January 5, 1902 to sigli and peace. Van der maaten quietly ambush tangse back, commander polem can get away, and instead captured by the commander of polem, cut PO radeu sister and some family terdekatnya.panglima polem cheap and lhokseumawe (1903). caused commander polem give up, many penghulu-penghulu people give up to follow the trace commander polem. tactics next, clean up in a way to kill Acehnese conducted under the leadership of Van daalen replaces the Van heutz. as murder in kuto reh (June 14, 1904) where 2922 people killed, which consists of 1773 men and 1149 women. tactics last capture cut his' Dien wife teuku Umar still do resistance guerrilla, where the end cut his' Dien can be arrested and exiled to sumedang, West Java. letter sign delivery Van heutz has created a note submission to be signed by the leaders Aceh which have caught and give up, the contents: King (Sultan) sway area as part of the Dutch East Indies. King will not be established ties with the power of overseas. promised to reign all commands set the Netherlands. (rh saragih, a sirait, am simamora, National history, 1987) the rise of nationalism while at the time of power Netherlands, the nation Aceh start cooperation with the other regions in Indonesia and are involved in a variety of nationalist movement and political. sarekat Islam, an organization trade Islam was established in surakarta in 1912, arrived in Aceh on around 1917. then follow the social organization Muhammadiyah on the 1923. Muhammadiyah build a school the Islamic kutaraja (now called Banda Aceh) on the 1929. then in 1939, the party Indonesia Kingdom (parindra) opens branches in Aceh, a political party's first sana.pada the same year, scholars establish Pusa (unity scholars entire Aceh), an organization anti-Netherlands. world war II Aceh increasingly day getting involved in the nationalist movement Indonesia. when the people's Council (parliament) formed, teuku nyak Arif elected representatives of the first of Aceh. (nyak Arif ago sworn in as governor Aceh by the governor of Sumatra first, moehammad Hasan). like many population and Southeast Asia, Acehnese welcome Japanese Army as they landed in Aceh on March 12, 1942, as Japan strengthen them from penjajahan.namun it turns out government Japan's not much different from belanda.jepang back recruit uleebalang to fill the position gunco and sunco (head adistrik and sub-district). this causes anger scholars, and deepen split between scholars and uleebalang.pemberontakan against Japan broke in some areas, including the slave, near lhokseumawe, in 1942, which led teungku Abdul Jalil, and in pandrah and jeunieb, in 1944. the Republic of Indonesia in Aceh of Indonesia States 41 then since the completion of the war Aceh, Indonesia proclaimed by Soekarno on August 17, 1945. it turns out the struggle for free of the grip of Dutch unfinished, before Hubertus Johannes Van Mook create countries doll incorporated in the RIS (Republic of Indonesia States). it turns out Aceh does not include the state of the federal results creation Van Mook which includes Indonesia which consists of: the state of Indonesia, which is the status quo agreement Renville. Indonesia East. state pasundan, including federal district Jakarta state East Java state Madura state Sumatra East, including the status quo asahan South and labuhan Stone state Sumatra South units state upright own, such as Central Java, bangka-Pacific, Riau, special region Kalimantan West, Dayak great local train, Borneo South and East Kalimantan. areas Indonesia rest not areas part. instead, Aceh included in the Republic of Indonesia, where the Republic of Indonesia is one of the state of the Republic of Indonesia States. thus, the Aceh also included in the system of Indonesia States, not intangible as a state of separate. elected President RIS is Soekarno in session of the board of presidential election RIS on 15-16 December 1949. on December 17 1949 President Soekarno inducted into the President RIS. medium to position the Prime Minister appointed Mohammad Hatta. Cabinet and Prime Minister RIS inaugurated on December 20, 1949. the Netherlands under the Queen Juliana, Prime Minister Dr. Willem Drees, Minister of overseas Mr. Maan sassen and chairman of delegates RIS Mohammad Hatta affix tandatangannya on the manuscript recognition sovereignty RIS by the Netherlands in the implementation of the recognition of sovereignty RIS on December 27, 1949. on the same, in Yogyakarta done the delivery of the sovereignty of Indonesia to RIS. while in Jakarta on the same day, Sri Sultan hamengkubuwono XI and vice high Crown Antonius Hermanus Johannes lovink in a ceremony together affix tandangannya on the manuscript submission sovereignty. (30 years the independence of Indonesia, 1945-1949, Secretary of state of Indonesia, 1986). back to country unity March 8, 1950 government RIS with the Legislature and Senate RIS out law emergency No. 11 1950 on the procedure permutation state RIS. statutory emergency that, some of the state to Indonesia, so on April 5, 1950 living only three state that is, Indonesia, NST (state Sumatra East), and minutes (Indonesia East). on August 14, 1950 parliament and Senate RIS ratify the bill basic unitary state of Indonesia the results of the committee together. at the meeting combined parliament and Senate RIS on 15 August 1950, President RIS Soekarno read charter the formation of the state Republic indonesia.pada the same day President Soekarno back to yogya to receive back office of the President of stakeholders while the office of the President Mr. asaat. (30 years the independence of Indonesia, 1950-1964, Secretary of state of Indonesia, 1986). notice Islamic state Indonesia Aceh 3 years after the RIS broke up and back into the Indonesian, David beureueh in Aceh memaklumatkan Islamic state Indonesia under the priest sekarmadji maridjan kartosoewirjo on September 20, 1953. the contents of edict NII in Aceh is: "with lahirnja peroklamasi Islamic state Indonesia in atjeh and area sekitarnyanja, then lenjaplah power pantja sila in atjeh and area sekitarnja, replaced by the government of the state islam.dari it dipermaklumkan to all rakjat, peoples foreign, followers bermatjam2 religion, servants, merchants and sebagainja: djangan menghalang2i maneuver Islam Indonesia, but must help and bekerdja together to enforce the security and kesedjahteraan countries. pegawai2 country maulah bekerdja continue as usual, bekerdjalah with sungguh2 supaja wheel government continues berdjalan lantjar. the merchant's heart open the store, laksanakanlah pekerdjaan the usual, the government of Islam mendjamin security tuan2. rakjat seluruhnja djangan held sabotage, damaging the treasure vitaal, mentjulik, Rob, menjelamatkan news lie, inviltratie propakasi and sebagainja Jang can interfere with safety negara.siapa alone Jang do kedjahatan2 they will be going with the power of the military. to tuan2 nation foreign maulah quiet and peaceful, laksanakanlah kewadjiban tuan2 as usual security and safety tuan2 didjamin. to tuan2 religious in addition to Islam djangan ragu2 and sjak wasangka, jakinlah government NII mendjamin safety tuan2 and religious Jang Mr. hug, because of the Islamic ban to protect tiap2 people and agamanja like protect people and Islam. achirnja we calls to all layers masjarakat to peace and quiet and laksanakanlah kewadjiban masing2 as usual. Islamic state Indonesia governor civil / military atjeh and area sekitarnyanja. Muharram 1373 atjeh Darussalam September 1953" David beureueh give up December 1962, 7 months after sekarmadji maridjan kartosuwirjo priest NII caught (June 4, 1962) on the Mountain geber in the area majalaya by the unity of-unit siliwangi in order operation bratayudha, David beureueh in Aceh give up to the ruler daulah pancasila after "deliberation harmony Acehnese" initiative commander kodam I / Iskandar young, Colonel m.jasin. (30 years the independence of Indonesia, 1950-1964, Secretary of state of Indonesia, 1986). Hasan Tiro declare state Aceh Sumatra of 14 then after David beureueh during Hasan Tiro on December 4, 1976 declared independence Aceh Sumatra. sound of the declaration of independence state Aceh Sumatra it is: "." to the people around the world: US, Acehnese, Sumatra asking right to self-determination, and protect the rights of the history of the nation fathers our country, with this decllarasikan free and stand-alone on all political control foreign governments Jakarta and from strangers Java. on behalf of the people Aceh, Sumatra sovereign. Tengku Hasan Muhammad Tiro. chairman of National Liberation front acheh Sumatra and President Aceh Sumatra, December 4, 1976 "" the end of the conflict on August 15, 2005, GAM and Indonesian government finally reached peace agreement to get a conflict prolonged it. on December 26, 2004, a major earthquake cause tsunami that struck the most of the West Coast Aceh, including Banda Aceh, and the cause of death of hundreds of thousands of the soul. in addition has emerged aspirations of several territories Nad, especially in the Western part, South and inland to secede from Nad and form a 2 province new called Aceh leuser between which consists of Aceh, bener lively, gayo lues, Aceh Southeast and Aceh singkil, as well as Aceh the South West or Abas which consists of nagan Kingdom, Aceh Southwest, South Aceh, Simeulue, West Aceh and Aceh Jaya. December 4, 2005 held joint declaration in Bung Karno, Jakarta attended hundreds of people and 11 Regent who want to divided the region, and forwarded to the protests that advance detachment 11 districts earlier than Aceh. on 15 August 2005, GAM and Indonesian government finally have peace agreement with the conflict between the two parties have lasted for almost 30 years.


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