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RE: Please Steemit, Help Me Save A Life.

in #blogg8 years ago (edited)

I suggest she or someone connected to her look into 2 alternative treatment options I think have the best potential.
One is treatment with GcMAF, some info on it here :

here a few quotes from the first link which relate to her condition.
They also sell GcMAF. And some info on GcMAF cancer treatments.

"Root canals are a major cause of the immune system being suppressed and they are a major cause of cancer. 100% of the breast cancer patients had root canals, or other infections, on the same acupuncture meridian. Since the microbes do not originate in the root canal, what this implies is that breast cancer cannot form without the assistance of the metals and microbes coming from the root canals.
But root canals may also explain why so many cancer patients are able to cure their cancer with alternative cancer treatments, but the cancer comes back again and again. Breast cancers is treated by IBL GcMAF -33.
If you have a root canal, you are advised to have that tooth removed.

There are out-patient Treatment Centers in Europe where doctors use ultrasonography to accurately measure your tumors, and to place the GcMAF in the right place every day for a week or more. Re-measure a week later and a 25% reduction in the first week is average."

And the other is treatment with electromagnetic frequencies generated by a frequency generator called a Rife machine, invented by Royal Raymond Rife. He cured 14 terminally ill cancer patients during his first trial treatment in 1934. The 2 remaining trial participants were cured 2 weeks after the trial ended resulting in 100% cure rate in this first trial. But he also used a special microscope that was different from the electron microscopes used today. Organisms die under the electron bombardment therefore you can't observe living cells. With his microscope he could so he could observe the living cancer cells and how they react to different frequencies. That enabled him to fine tune the frequency to the targeted cells. Some frequencies can have an adverse effect and speed up the growth of the cancer. I would think that people have established what frequencies are needed for specific diseases but I'm not sure on that.

These 2 treatments won't negatively impact any other treatment people are undergoing. Unfortunately the regular chemo and radiation treatments do negatively impact the entire body and also the recovery these treatments enable the body to preform. But if she is going in the right direction that at least is beneficial and any one of those 2 treatments I mentioned would only speed up her recovery.

Both of these treatments are known to entirely cure even terminal patients in a couple of months. Costs are a couple of €1000 for a rife machine or GcMAF which can be pretty costly with the worst cancers, 10.000+ I think.


Thank you for this very informative comment,
I am now thinking to remove a tooth after reading this, funny thing is when I asked why they had to do a root canal they could not come with a straight answer. I should have trusted my gut feeling and refused.

These treatments you mentioned are new to me, I shall definitely get Colette to read these comments if she hasn't already.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us