I PUNCH BACK! - Journals From The Ledge - Mike O'Cull

in #blogger8 years ago

No matter how many challenges are currently presenting themselves, I keep feeling that something good is coming. I've come to realize that the days of my life will go on until they don't no matter what I do, so I might as well keep hammering away and keep alive the possibilities that have always sustained me. If it all goes wrong, at least I died with my boots on. My crutch is hope for the future and for the ability to help others somehow. My work today got me one step closer to that goal. I've become resilient in ways I never dreamed. When bad shit happens, I punch back. Fuck a bounce. My preparation is almost complete. My opportunity will come. 

I'm fully on some kind of journey to something, to somewhere. I need that feeling to survive. I'm putting my best stuff out there and keeping my money where my mouth is, as I have always done. I show myself to you as I am, scars and all, and sugar coat nothing. The only way forward is hard and real. I'm too old, too ugly, and too inappropriate and I don't care. Zero Fucks Given. I'm an artist with talent and vision and I'm letting it fly, even if no one cares. I care. I denied that part of myself for too long and it mostly ruined me. Never again. 


Yeah for some reason my field of giveafuqs is barren. So I am all out as well. Your post made me remember that art is self indulgent, if it isn't it is dishonest. I make my music for me.