Is it OK to mix different topics in your blog?

in #blogging7 years ago

Of course it is ok. It’s your blog. Your creation.

But from a marketing point of view, you are at risk of confusing and losing readers by covering too much in a single blog or under a single personal writing/content-creation brand.

It has been best in my opinion to be crystal clear about how you are a useful to the world through your blogging.

Memorable blogs in my experience are those that focus on the vertical over the horizontal. I.e. they go deep on a more narrow topic, rather than stretching thin over a range of topics.

The hardest thing is deciding to be known for less because you feel you are missing out on covering all the other cool stuff.

But over time, you will not regret your commitment to the narrow, because that is where the gold lies. This is where you start amping up your value as an expert in that world.

The reason I say this is to help you, not to be difficult. I have run a few blogs for over a decade, and the best response, traffic and traction for me has come out of being known for fewer things rather than more.

In my case, I started Red Lemon Club as a place to help creative people with their online marketing - and only that. It has since morphed into a site that covers marketing, self-help, social media, art, tech and more.

It was during the time that I covered a range of topics that my blog and traction suffered.

Since then I have returned to a more narrow focus in my blogging - ‘self-improvement for creative people’ - and my traffic and engagement has never been better.

What you can do, rather than including many topics in a single blog, is to combine topics into a hybrid that is in itself highly unique, and will set you apart. So you could carve a blogging niche as someone who talks in depth about photography tech, rather than creative side.

In my case, I took my experiences as a creative freelancer, and my knowledge and interest in self help, and combined the two topics into the hybrid that is the current manifestation of my blog.

Originally posted on Quora.


The most famous mixer of posts on his blog is Jerry Banfield. He covers so many topics it's almost considered maniacal. I love the guy's style though so i keep coming back. Thanks for this and best regards Dr DMD

Excellent, I will check him out!