5 Reasons To Make Blogging Your Business Resolution

in #blogging7 years ago

I wake up renewed. It’s a clean slate. It’s a day to get your goals aligned. I like to spend the morning in a coffee shop thinking about the year to come. What am I going to do differently? What am I going to do the same? And what can I do better? Of course personal goals pop up, but it is the business goals that get me really excited for the possibilities that are in front of me.

If you are anything like me, you are doing the same. And as you come up with your business goals for the year, I want to make sure or convince you that blogging needs to be on it. And here’s why.

(1) Why You Should Focus On Your Business Blog This Year
Blogging is the backbone of your whole content marketing strategy.

  A good strategy is just not complete without the blogging piece. You can have a killer website. You can do SEO. You can do social media. You can do PPC. But honestly, without the blog, you are missing a huge opportunity. Blogging is the piece that ties it all together or the piece that links it all together.. Yes, it is a lot of work, but it is the one thing that continues to move the needle time and time again. Why is it so important? It is the best and easiest way to keep your website active, fresh, and google friendly on a regular basis. Think about it. Each new blog post is a brand new page on your website. A brand new entrance for new visitors. And a brand new way to be found.

(2) Blogging increases your website traffic.

Without a blog, there is no reason to come back to your website. When you don’t have return visitors, you don’t see that steady increase of traffic coming to your site. Your blog ranks in Google. Your blog is shared on social. Your blog brings people to you. And you know what happens next. The more traffic you receive, the more leads you sell, the more sales. Increased traffic leads to increased sales. PERIOD.

(3) Blogging is social.

 Blogging is the original social media. That’s right. Before Facebook. Before Instagram. Before Twitter, there was blogging. While today, you may not see that engagement on your blog like you did back in the day, you see the engagement about your blog on your social media pages. Blogging gives you something to share on your social channels. And that right there is the start of your social media strategy.

(4) Blogging gives your website clout and credibility.

 There is nothing more exciting as a blogger than when your blog gets shared by an Influencer in the space. Everytime this happens, I celebrate. I celebrate for a few reasons. The first is that someone thought what I had to say was important and good enough to link to. Yes, please! The other reason is for the SEO benefit it brings. Old school linking is out or link building is out. Blog linking is in. But without a blog there is nothing to link to. 🙂 Beyond that, your blog post can give you credibility by showing you know what is up. You are smart. You are the leader in your industry. Plus, it gives your sales team something to share. That extra bit that might just close the sale.

(5) Blogging is the gift that keeps on giving.

 Blogging continues to work. In fact, some of our most lead generating blog posts are old blog posts. Some of those old blog posts rank better and better over time. This initial investment has proven to pay over time. That’s something to celebrate.

Have I convinced you yet? I hope so. If you want to make blogging for your business your new year’s resolution, but are afraid that you won’t have time or the resources, we can help. In fact, I’d celebrate right along with you when you reach your blogging goals. Together we will keep this resolution alive. And we will keep it moving.

Ready to get started? Reach out to me here. I'm nice!
