What is Artificial Intelligence ( A.I ) ?

in #blogging7 years ago (edited)

Consciousness and artificial intelligence in the future there will be
more and more robots.
When interacting with people, they should ideally have an awareness
of their
environment and maybe even of themselves. Scientists and forerunners
of AI research think this is possible in the future.

this vid.is from youtubechannel: Anonymous

Assuming that the brain is a material object that is subject to the laws of physics, then you should be able to replicate brain processes in the computer. Provided you have analyzed the processes accurately enough.
Already today one understands the basic processes of the information processing between the nerve cells relatively well. Ultimately they are biochemically similar to the yes / no decision process, which also occurs in microchips.

Artificial neural networks, which mimic the function of the human brain, are supposed to enable robots to learn.
In principle, this involves the ability to constantly re-interlink software (instructions) and
knowledge from many nested databases.

this vid.is from youtubechannel: Anonymous Official

But in principle, it is still not clear what constitutes the human mind or consciousness. Presumably, it is a meta-level that is capable of super ordinate viewing and evaluating the information processing operations in each brain center.

NOTE :(I claim neither credit nor ownership of the above image and any video or written content)


This can be both scary and beautiful at the same time.

Yes, but in the end, the will of the Father will be done
and not some foxi poxi selfish human consciousness :)

This will be extremely helpful

maybe we will see :) ?

The world is moving fast now!

yup ! but the question is, is it the right direction ?